Two saturdays ago, Javier had a school activity to help raise money for the Haiti Victims.  Its always good to involve kids and make them be aware and let them know that they can help in their own little way.  It’s a good thing he goes to a good school that can teach him these values 

The Grade 4 boys had a car wash 


They helped others and yet they had a great time 🙂 


Even Ms. Puno, their teacher, joined and helped out! 


While the boys class did the car wash, the girls class had a bake sale.  I missed the first day where I heard they raised quite a big amount of money 🙂 The girls actually baked the goodies and sold them.  Congrats to the girls! 


I only caught the second day where they just had a few items for sale…but it was nice because the boys supported the girls by buying their food and drinks after a tiring car wash day 🙂 




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