Monthly Archives: February 2010

Total Therapy Body Scrub and Gift certificates

By | Spas, Valentine's Day | No Comments

   I have been trying the different services on the list from Total Therapy ( Total Therapy December 10, 2009)!  So far, I like them all especially the Ultimate Relaxation Massage

Total Therapy has gift certificates available!! Now I know what I want for Valentine’s day. I will make sure I send this feature to my husband and give him a strong hint 🙂350.jpg 

Heart2Heart was so happy to actually receive a gift certificate already for a body scrub


They have different scrubs depending on your skin type, so my therapist, Vising, reccomended the Olive Salt glow.  I will definitely try to have it atleast once a month





156 Countries Sing Together for the Starbucks Love Project

By | Great Achievements, Today's Quote, Valentine's Day, What's New at Starbucks? | One Comment

Remember the


 I posted last December 6, 2009?

 Here is what happened! Thanks to Evelyn, a reader of Heart2Heart for letting me know about this!

Heart2Heart  lovelogostbxlovethumbnail.jpgs it!!!!

On December 7th, 2009 at 1:30pm GMT Starbucks invited musicians from all over the world to sing together at the same time to raise awareness for AIDS in Africa. In that one breathtaking moment, musicians from 156 countries played “All You Need is Love” together. Watch now, as musicians from all around the world come together and share a song.Join in by lending your own voice to Watch streaming video from countries around the world and then join in by singing All You Need is Love yourself. For each video submitted, Starbucks will make a contribution to the Global Fund to help fight against AIDS in Africa. You can also help increase the Starbucks contribution to the Global Fund by submitting a drawing to the Love Gallery.

The global sing-along is part of our continuing efforts to help fight AIDS in Africa. In just one year in partnership with (RED)™, Starbucks has generated money equivalent to more than 7 million days of medicine to help those living with HIV in Africa.





Hearts Set on Time Agatha Les Minis Collection

By | Fashion, Valentine's Day, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

It’s another season for that illustrious day of hearts and flowers as each one gives out loving smiles and memorable laughter. And as big love comes in small packages so does jewelry brand Agatha’s Les Minis collection that will melt everyone’s heart!

Agatha introduces this Valentine’s their new collection of tiny watches that stand out with any matching ensemble. With a maximum size of 18mm, their tiny dials are also inspired by their forerunners with their curb link and rubber, metal or rigid bracelets.

agatha-watch-stainless-steel-case-and-bracelet-in-black-dia.jpg agatha-watch-stainless-steel-case-and-bracelet-in-white-dia.jpg

Take her out on a date and surprise her with something sweet and different! For the Agatha woman that is stylishly simple, Les Minis’ round watches with a variety of bracelet designs make for a perfect choice with its stainless steel design in silver with either black or white dials.

agatha-round-watch-stainless-steel-case-and-bracelet-in-bla.jpg agatha-round-watch-stainless-steel-case-and-bracelet-in-sil.jpg

Square-shaped timepieces are also another favorite with its sleek aesthetic that goes with a classic personality. Also in stainless steel, this design comes in black and silver.


For casual days Agatha has designed for her a stainless steel watch with a rhinestone case.


Also in 18mm, its rubber strap comes in white, brown and grey. 


In the Philippines, Agatha jewelry is exclusively distributed by Stores Specialists, Inc. (SSI) and is available at the boutiques located in Greenbelt 5 and Robinson’s Midtown.   


By | Events and Launches, Homes and Interiors | 3 Comments

PLC107 brings Camerich


a line of comfortably priced, luxury furniture, to Manila 


A business with friends – the partners with their spouses

Gerry Limpo, Jing Pimentel, Gina Pimentel, Christine Misa-Coscolluela, Gil Coscolluela, Julia Lim and David Lim 







Asian Cultural Council Art Auction

By | Arts and Culture, Giving Back | One Comment

 From Malou Gamboa, who is ever so busy running her restaurants, helping her Assumption Batch and serves as part of the Board of Trustees for the ACCP Foundation

Previous Entry:  I-Land January 15, 2009  

Here is another great opportunity to help the foundation and support local artists, at the same time, own beautiful works of art from our talented artists


 Taken from their website:  ACCP Art Auction 

Website:  Asian Cultural Council Art Auction 
