Press Events and Beauty Editors

 Heart2Heart wants to feature the people behind the magazines and newspapers that you read.  They are the ones who make sure that they inform everyone of all the new things out there and recommending products to use.  So many companies show them all the new products being launched and they pass them on to all of us through their features and articles in their publications.

It is not a surprise that  they are all so beautiful and they come so fashionable and all..which is maybe why they are called BEAUTY EDITORS 🙂 They fit the job so well! Sometimes i mistake them for the models.  Just looking at them is a show in itself 🙂


And of course the people who do a great job, work behind the scenes and put together the stores, the merchandising and launching all the new products out there – they are all BEAUTIFUL as well!


Even the venue and food are all planned out well….




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