Women today have choices to make, and they’re not always easy. In a world of luxury handbags, she’s got to look the part without sacrificing any of the fun stuff. Now comes the name that will become every girl’s best friend, with a drizzle of color and a dash of chic is Sam Edelman – the name that is low fuss, high style, and a price point that allows every girl to play by her own rules.

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The possibilities are simply unimaginable with endless combinations of color and design. With an extensive background, Sam Edelman’s influences has spanned since the beginning of his education. Continuously looking for what women would want in shoes, Sam produced designs that are unique to its brand.


Sam Edelman Shoes was launched in New York City back in 2004. It has a solid distribution in over 750 independent specialty stores in the USA and abroad, a hand-picked selection of top-notch department stores. Famous for his introduction of the ballet shoes, the Sam Edelman line has reinvented it with different designs. The ballet shoe still makes an occasional appearance, but it’s got attitude now, and more often than not, it’s got heels. Gone are the days of the “harried, yet nurturing” working mother, the Sam Edelman woman is dressing for herself now. She’s independent, she’s influential, she’s in better shape than she was in her teens and she’s certainly not going to apologize for having lots of shoes.

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With his new line, Sam insists on instilling the psyche and energy of luxury shoes without the high-end price tag. Browse a selection of Sam Edelman’s and you’ll get the impression that someone out there is paying attention. Featured in the world’s top magazines like Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue, Sam Edelman the brand has certainly grown to be a staple fashion statement for women in all walks of life. Created with a combination of quality materials and sheer creativity produces a line full of color and style. Whether in tinted python skin or fine leather, the combinations of styles for Sam Edelman are infinite.


When Sam Edelman pictures shoes, he pictures life, a strategy that works because he is so enthusiastic about his own. Try to walk a mile in Sam’s shoes and feel the contagious enthusiasm, and unfaltering optimism for life that may pave your path. You will want to walk a thousand in them.

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And at a fast paced lifestyle, power up your knack for making simple the most elegant only with Sam Edelman Shoes.



Sam Edelman is exclusively distributed by Rustan Commercial Corporation and is available at Rustan’s Makati, Shangri-la and Alabang Town Center.


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