Catching up with Christine over dinner and what she has been up to….
Though she has a day job, she told me she likes to do more social work! and instantly I love the girl even more and felt so happy and fulfilled for our friend, Gil, to have married someone like Christine. Sometimes we are so caught up in our careers, in our own lives, and here is someone who thinks of others first before all that!
Anyway, she told me about what she did last year during the Ondoy tragedy. Because I can’t keep up with all my facebook friends, I failed to see what she did and I thought it was an interesting idea. So I am featuring it here now still. It’s never too late to BE INSPIRED! What creative ways on how people can help others. Again, Christine teaches me the value of working hard to help others- sometimes we are so busy we just give money or we just make it easy for ourselves and just clean up our things and just give it away. Christine and her friends did something else….. And here is how they did it!
Step 1 AUCTION in Facebook and “Ukay Ukay”
Christine and her officemates, who are also her bestfriends, collected all their valuable things which they thought they could auction. That way they can raise more money since some of the items are collectibles. Everyone gave up many things from their personal collections or closets and posted it in facebook in their IGone page

They set up photo albums of the items that were to be auctioned. Read carefully how they described each album 🙂
“These are bags that were previously love and lovingly chosen…but whose owners felt they would be put to better use to generate funds for families victimized by Ondoy”

Had I known about this, I would have bought something for my Dad here, he loves these things!!!

Many beautiful and branded items which they gave up and sold

While the auction was going on, they had the “Ukay Ukay” Sale in their office for 3 weeks. The logic behind this was that instead of giving these clothes away and not knowing if they will fit that person or if will be appreciated, they sold it to people who will actually pay for it and will personally use them – hence everyone benefits accordingly. I suddenly felt bad giving away all my clothes and other personal stuff, putting them in boxes and just giving them away. Then now wondering whether they even liked it or got to use it. So I thought this was a good idea!

Christine selling Gil’s clothes 🙂

They are so good at marketing!! Signs around the “Ukay Ukay” sale 🙂
Their company matched whatever money they raised!! How generous! 

STEP 2 Packing of relief goods
The Auction and Ukay Ukay was just the beginning. After 3 weeks, they raised a lot of money!!! And they bought goods and repacked them. They turned their office into a packing center:-) Thanks to supportive bosses who allowed all this to happen!

Wow!! 1,623 relief bags!! You can more or less compute how much they raised!!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!!

Step 3 Distributing the Relief Goods
Still it is not yet over, they all went themselves and distributed the goods

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!! It’s amazing what people can do to help others!
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