• Grace Bagatsing says:

    What an uplifting message! Thanks for posting. Love your blog!

  • len says:

    Ms. Rica,

    This reminds me so much of the sermon of Father Orbos regarding the five balls we juggle in life of which four are crystal and one is of rubber. The crystal balls represent friendships, family, health and our relationship with God – drop any of the crystal balls – it breaks into a million pieces and is gone forever.

    Work is represented by the rubber ball. Drop it and it bounces back with nary a part broken. A timely reminder for all of us in this hurried and harried world.

    Thank you for posting.

  • Rica says:

    Thanks Grace for viewing Heart2Heart! 🙂
    Ms. Tugado, remember our days at Rustan’s when we could not even slow dance! haha!! Still a workaholic but now learned how to slow dance 🙂

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