Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags ( HK )

By June 28, 2010 Green, Travel 6 Comments

We all know about the dangers of plastic bags 

Previous Entry:  The Dangers of Plastic Bags August 6, 2008

I was shopping in Watsons and the cashier asked me if I had a bag- and since I did not bring any with me on the trip – I just said I did not have one- then I saw my bill go up by a few cents!    

I WAS SO HAPPY!  For once in my life, I was happy they were charging me for a plastic bag!  After that, I never asked for a plastic bag anymore 🙂 I think it is a good way to reinforce the need for us to use recyclable bags and not use plastic anymore….I hope our country follows suit






  • nicole olbes fandino says:

    i would be happy too! i think its a great idea.

  • ganga dargani says:

    Excellent suggestion Rica, we all need to do our part in conserving mother earth….

  • Lily Tallafer says:

    You can check out Los Banos in Laguna — it is plastic bag free (well, almost). The local government has banned it for a couple of years now. Even the fast food shops had to follow — now, no more styro plates/packs and take outs are in brown bags. Only the wet market is allowed to use plastic bags. I just hope our new set of town leaders will be as strict as the previous leaders in monitoring and penalizing violators .

  • Nenette says:

    It’s that way too in Melbourne. And Sydney too I think. It should be implemented here as well!

  • Donna says:

    here in japan the big supermarket chains give you a discount if you bring your own bag. don’t know which is more effective – charging or giving a discount? given that the amount is the same, i’d rather have a discount, even just for the psychological effect of scoring a bargain.

  • jing says:

    you pay in korea, too, so we packed our stuff in a box. the other day, while i was out shopping, this lady asked for extra plastic bag for her 2 items. kinda sad that our country is waaay behind when it comes to environmental awareness.

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