Monthly Archives: June 2010

Flowers Of Summer

By | Summer | One Comment

Though we always complain about the heat during summer, this is the time when all the beautiful flowers come out!!!  While driving in the village, I took photos of the trees with different flowers.  The bougainvillas are so beautiful hanging  on walls



Bulacan Festival

By | Proud to be Pinoy!, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

Last May 21, I visited Rustan’s Makati and saw a Bulacan Festival ongoing.  Heart2Heart loves Filipiniana festivals featuring products from our country.    My Lola Glecy always made sure we patronize products from OUR VERY OWN.  She created that department to showcase Filipino items.  And Rustan’s always has the best display and execution in putting the items together and developing them into beautiful creations

During the festival, there were food booths also so I bought a few items to patronize them

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By | Arts and Culture, Proud to be Pinoy!, Tributes | 4 Comments

Today I pay tribute to my all time idol, my late grandmother, Lola Glecy.  She is one of the pioneers in Philippine retailing.    She has met many great retailers, world leaders and many other great personalities from all over the world and she impressed them all!!  She is a woman ahead of her time, a woman with impeccable taste and a remarkable person that makes us Filipinos proud for she proved how a woman and a Filipina can achieve great things!!

To everyone at work, she is known to us as GRT.  You can ask all the old timers at Rustan’s department store who have encountered GRT and they will always have an inspiring or touching moment in their lives from GRT.  We all admire her and try to follow her….which is very difficult..because no one will ever be like her.  Though she is not physically with us anymore, she is very much alive in our hearts and in our everyday life. 


Beautiful interpretations through art 

by one of the Greatest Filipino Artists – Fernando Amorsolo 


and by world renowned Betsy Westendorp


I found this photo in my files but cannot read the artist


Previous Entry:  Remembering Lola Glecy June 3, 2007 


Vinyl and Vino

By | Entertainment | 7 Comments

We watched our cousin, Bea, perform at Members Only two nights ago!  Congrats!!!!  Looking forward to your future album recording 🙂  You have a beautiful voice!!


 Of course full support from friends and familyvinylvino6.jpgvinylvino4.jpgvinylvino5.jpg

Full support from big sis, Kat! ” I am so nervous!!”


Foolish heart

Hear me callin’

Stop before

You start fallin’

Foolish heart

Heed my warnin’

You’ve been wrong before

Don’t be wrong anymore


And later on joined by our other cousin, Jaime! We are so proud of both of you and we will support you all the way!!!



Eebees Developmental Toys

By | For kids, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments


The Every Baby Company began with the award-winning and critically acclaimed eebee’s adventures, an innovative, character- based DVD series, form 6 to 36 months old. Eebee’s adventure is the first infant media property that is securely based on the latest learning research and the effective use of media. Eebee is the only character ever developed specifically for the infant/ toddler market. Eebee’s adventures has a strong and established foundation in the market: 3 DVDs, eebee doll, and VOD distribution in nearly 30 million households; prime real estate and sell out sales at FAO Schwarz and multi-product plans with Barnes and Noble.

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A brief background of the company,  the Every Baby Company, was founded in the year 2004 with a simple yet essential mission to be a catalyst for rich play experiences that: reflect the latest developmental research, engage babies with new ideas through play about how the world works for babies and babies work in the world and lastly enhance and encourage meaningful communication, and interaction between children and parents, caregivers, and play partners of all ages. Now back to eebee- eebee has alot of milestones to show off such as publishing the first ever cooking with baby book, toys and awarded US specialty toy retail rollout 09-10,on TV its aired twice a day on American Forces Network worldwide, on video over 9 million episodes viewed since 2006 on Demand via Comcast, Cox, Cablevision, Charter, Bresnan, others, and is critically acclaimed for supernany “expert” contributor and many more!

eebees-1.jpg eebees-2.jpgeebees-4.jpgeebees-6.jpg

So what are you waiting for come, join and play with eebes’s adventures.



Eebees is exclusively found in Rustan’s Department Stores in Makati, Shangri-la Mall and Alabang Town Center.



Celebrate The Uniqueness in Each of Us

By | For kids, Giving Back | 4 Comments

There are so many ANGELS all around us!! And Heart2Heart continues to be inspired by them!

I really admire my friend, Joanna, who started her own business many many years ago.  She was one of the few who started early on even before she graduated in college and was very successful from the very beginning.


When we start a business we do it for many reasons – maybe first and foremost for financial reasons, another could be because we just have the passion to do something we really like to do, and for some of us, it is a way of helping others by providing jobs and finding ways to give back to the community.  And giving back and helping others is a CHOICE we make and many choose to take time out to help others and one of them is Joanna.   


Joanna and Katrina Alunan- Gonzales, who manages SPIN


shared with Heart2Heart their latest project which is really a very unique and meaningful campaign!  More power to you Joanna and Katrina!  Thank you for making a DIFFERENCE in our world!sc001433a9.jpgdifferentscan0001.jpgsc00012cc1.jpgdifferentscan0002.jpgdifferentscan0003.jpgsc0001429c.jpgdifferentscan0004.jpgsc0001867e.jpgdifferentscan0005.jpgsc0001b508.jpgdifferentscan0006.jpgsc0001c7f2.jpgdifferentscan0007.jpgdifferentscan0008.jpg

Taken from Working Mom Magazine May 2010 issue


Please come to our Big&Small stores to take a look at our Special Edition shirts. These shirts, produced in collaboration with Working Mom Magazine for the benefit of Let It Shine Foundation, celebrate the uniqueness in all of us. Proceeds from the sale of these shirts will go to Let It Shine Scholarship Fund. The scholarship aims to teach individuals with special needs in order to develop their potentials to the fullest.The shirts are also featured in a Working Mom Magazine’s May 2010 issue. Please grab a copy to take a look 🙂 Please support this wonderful cause!



(Click on the images to go to the website to be able to read it better )




