Bryan Flannery at Mamou

Heart2Heart was so happy to go back to Mamou! And this time, we were honored to have Oye and Malou serve us and dine with us!!! Malou is so passionate about food and passion drives you to do great things!  Which explains why Mamou is so successful!  

She explained some of the dishes to me and she said that through her travels and her experiences in many restaurants all over the world, she tries to make her own version and shares them with everyone through her restaurant.

Previous Entry

Weekend Brunch at Mamou December 13, 2008 

Peter Luger of the Philippines October 1, 2007 

James is making his rounds and asking the BEST chefs in the country to cook his steak for him!  So we asked Malou to cook a 52 day Dry Aged Porterhouse steak because he knew Malou is the Peter Luger of the Philippines 🙂 and only she can make it closest to the real thing


Thanks Oye and Malou!  More power to you!!!  Hopefully we can announce more good news soon!! 


Oye and Malou were very kind to host us…we also invited Raffy and Carmina, who love steak too


Oh my gosh!!!!! i just had to order this!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY!!!!! Thanks Malou for serving this to me!!!  We all enjoyed it!


After having the starters, Malou took me with her to the kitchen and wow!  You cannot imagine the number of steaks and lobsters that came out of that kitchen that evening!  It was torture for me to smell and watch the dishes!!! but I was in heaven just “window eating” ( is there such a thing? )  🙂


One of their specialties!!  All the lobsters were reserved already that evening!  That is how popular they are!


And here is where all the good food is cooked! Malou is always so good to share


Malou told me this pan is 17 years old!!!  And she used it to cook the porterhouse!


Everyone enjoying the steak!!! A good steak deserves to be cooked the proper way! 


The menu changes once in awhile and they are in Volume 3 already 

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