Boston, Massachusetts

By July 27, 2010 Travel 5 Comments

For so many years, I have been wanting to visit Boston since I have heard many nice things about the city.  Finally, we had the opportunity to pass by…And I love it!  A city with many beautiful and historical buildings


 It is small, but there is so much history!  The oldest this, the oldest that…It’s a pity we spent only a day in the city so we just drove around and tried to absorb as much as we can but there are many many historical sights to see 





  • Gina Vinluan says:

    Thanks for posting and sharing, Rica. I miss my second home! 🙂

  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    Oh my God.. I’m in tears! I miss Boston so much! I pray Brian and I will be able to send our kids there too. One of the best years of my life. 1994-1996 Boston College! Thank you Rica for sharing. Love it!!!!!

  • Gia says:

    Rica. When were you here? Sihanouk and I would have loved to see you. Call next time you’re in town.

  • Rica says:

    Gosh, had I known guys, I would have asked you for tips!! I love Boston!
    Gi, oh my gosh!! Sayang, but next time if ever there is one, we will call you. We only had one day! gosh! kulang 🙂

  • […] road trip started from New Jersey to Boston ( Boston, Massachusetts July 27, 2010 ) and from Boston we continued our educational tour and took a peak at Philipps Andover in […]

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