Monthly Archives: October 2010

Pasko, Pasko, Pasko Fiesta Regalo – Making A Difference

By | Giving Back, Proud to be Pinoy!, Shopping | No Comments

Making a difference is made easy with Pasko Pasko Pasko! That extraordinary fair that captures the true spirit of Christmas ON OCTOBER 24, SUNDAY 9AM TO 9PM AT THE ROCKWELL TENT.


Your mere presence is a treasured contribution for the goal is EXPOSURE of the livelihood and One Town One Product (OTOP) vendors of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to our community.

For micro, small and medium entrepreneurs, discover through the exhibit of Product Development and Design center of the Philippines (PDDCP) what they can do for you. Their mandate being to promote design as a tool for improving the quality and competitiveness of Philippine products by servicing your design needs.

Enjoy the complimentary freshly baked French pastries of Alexandre for all the early birds arriving at 9AM.


Then delight in the unique holiday aura created by Rachy Cuna as displayed through out the tent as well as in the booth of Gawad Kalinga (GK) village. Feel the Christmas cheer with the GK Tatalon Choir singing holiday songs all through out the day alternating with Dream FM playing your favorite carols. 

Surprise your selves with the rare finds – Jesse tree, Silang crafts and water hyacinth baskets to name a few.


Delivering with such passion is this team composing of Usec. Merle Cruz, Dir. Myrna Sunico, Marivic Bonoan, Fe Bulao, Gerry Ravelas, Vic Vargas, Honey Vergara, Marivic Pineda, Divine Duran, Aycee Ursua, Pinky Poe and Cecile manheimer. Weng Domingo acts as mortar collaborating DTI with GK’s GKonomics as well as with other livelihood and charitable institutions.

“Some we do more, sometimes less, but always, we can do something, however small.”



Oh, Baby! All Natural Baby Food Lovingly Made by Mommy Chefs

By | For kids, Great Inventions | 4 Comments






Oh, Baby! is committed to lavishing babies, toddlers and children with all the goodness Mother Nature has to offer so that they can get off to the very best and brightest start.

We bring to life our passion by lovingly preparing honest, tasty and nutritious meals that parents can feel good about serving their children.

Oh, Baby! works hard to bring the good stuff from Mother Nature’s bounty to the family table so that parents can make the most of their children’s growing years.



Today’s generation of parents is the most extensively educated and well-informed, but they are also the busiest, trying to balance their careers and family lives. They love their babies dearly and want to make sure that their babies get the very best of everything especially when it comes to something as essential as nutrition.



Oh, Baby! All Natural Baby Foods is the country’s first line of all natural meals and snacks that little ones will love and that moms can feel good about giving their children.


We take our cue from Mother Nature. Her fruits and vegetables are the best way to give precious little ones the vitamins and nutrients they need. Our professional Mommy Chefs have thoughtfully developed meals that grow with your little ones’ nutritional and developmental needs and taste preferences.ohbabyrotatingbanner1.jpg

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Baby On the Way

By | Celebrations, For kids, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

Creating the perfect Baby Shower with Rustan’s Baby Registry 

One of the most meaningful surprises to women is the gift of motherhood. And it is made even more special when shared with friends and relatives. What better way to celebrate such a blessing than having a memorable baby shower!


One of the hardest parts of making a “memorable” baby shower is really getting everyone, especially mommy-to-be excited for this party. But we found an easy 4 Step-Solution to making it fun and exciting.

STEP1 – Buddy Up with Someone

When I heard that Kathy Huang’s sister in law Cat was throwing her a shower, I asked if I could help. She gladly accepted my offer. It is always better to be able to bounce ideas off of someone else. Make sure the other person is really close to them AND knows what are the definite no-no’s. For example, definitely no measuring of the belly game in this shower was something Cat told me about.


STEP 2 – Make sure Mommy is Registered!

Any baby shower is definitely more fun when the one being “showered” is registered. A quick visit to Rustan’s Children’s section is a convenient and fun way to let your friends know what you would want baby to have. 

The children’s department of Rustan’s has registry consultants that are ready to assist for whatever items mommy is looking for. A trip around the children’s department is made easy with sections divided into Bath, Play, Eat and Sleep. A Baby Checklist is also available to make the selection process quick and simple. Once the registration is complete, it’s time to set-up the party itself with everything that moms-to-be could wish for!



STEP 3 – Have Lunches with your Planning Buddy to Plan all the Details – And there are a lot of them!

We had lunches. You can do happy hour J



When we planned for Kathy’s shower, we had to think of something fun YET something that fit Mommy-to-Be. So we came up with a 60’s themed baby shower. Not to say that Kathy is old – but this theme is so fun as it spans many generations and various nostalgic decorative elements.


High Tea or Mirienda is always a good time to have the shower completed with a nice table setting of delectable appetizers, teas, and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Royal Daulton tea seats from the “Old Country Rose” collection deem to be a good choice with their classic porcelain designs that add a touch of elegance to any set-up. For food we chose typical High Tea food such as scones, cookies, finger sandwhiches, and Of course, 9 different types of tea!



An enthusiaitic crowd is always a pleasure to have as they can share and relate to the joys of a new mom! And just the same, making a program also requires that personal touch. The most fun games are always those that are about the Mommy and her upcoming new baby.  One of the games you can try could be Guess that Baby Picture. Guests can be requested to send in their old baby photos which you can scan and print in Sepia or Black and White to make all pictures similar. Once all photos are on display, the guests can then be challenged to guess who that baby was! 

The other game we played was “Guess Kathy and Mike’s Baby!” Guests were asked to form groups of four. Each team was then provided with printouts of Kathy’s and Mike’s immediate families. The players were required to predict how Mike and Kathy’s baby would look like by making use of cut out pictures from the family such as Mike’s lips, Kathy’s eyes with Grandma’s hair to name a few. Mike and Kathy then judged who the best baby picture was.


Special prizes can be given away that are still in keeping with the theme. A selection of skin care products from Clarins prove to be a favorite giveaway for women together with Spanx body shapers, and Dwell travel bags.



For those who did not have time to get Kathy a gift, a “Kathy’s Picks” table was set up where guests can view the items she chose and can conveniently just purchase it on the spot for her.



It is always best to chose giveaways that suit your audience. We chose Clarins bust lifting crème that effectively works on the bust and decollate area to firm the skin and bring back that ‘natural bra’ hold – it’s the perfect give-away for women of all ages.


STEP 4 – Party Time!

When it’s time for the party, just show up (dressed up in theme of course!) and have a great time!

Shower some love and all things that baby is bound to enjoy only with the best picks and wide gift selections from Rustan’s Baby Registry!



All brands mentioned are available at Rustan’s Department Stores. Rustan’s Baby Registry is located at the Children’s Department, Rustan’s Makati (813-3739) Rustan’s Tower (6334636 or 50) Rustan’s Gateway (9112401) Rustan’s Alabang Town Center (8505532) Rustan’s Cebu ((032)2315643).


Our New Baby

By | Animals and Pets | 8 Comments

Several years ago, I had told my family that we can’t have both a new dog and a new baby all at once….. so of course the baby choice was the best at that time.  But since we have not had a baby, I finally agreed to a pet since Javier has been wanting one.  A Black Schnauzer in particular ( Rene WigenSchnauzer Breeder  August 24, 2010 ).  In 2008, it was a french bulldog ( Sweeping Ears January 21, 2008 ).  It was a long decision and just one day, James called up our good friend, Dinky, to get advice about a pet that would be easy to maintain, and he suggested a Boston Terrier and gave James a website to look at



And after a few days, it was just like going to a shop and picking something from the shelf 🙂  We went to Pook Ligaya


The first thing we saw was the garage….hmmmm…vintage car collection


 and we saw horses crossing going back and forth to the stables


we met Violet, cousin of Paul, who is running the stables 


and we met the breeder, Paul


The first puppy we saw was this one who James really liked because of his color, though he was not really a puppy anymore compared to the others


 Paul showing off the puppies and explaining to us the show qualities of the dogs


 Then the other cage with the other puppies who Paul showed to us one by one


After discussion with Paul, We finally chose one


Among the 5 puppies – Javier chose the friendliest one who was already named Romeo


We immediately bought dog food which Paul recommended and what Romeo has been eating already


Sleeping in the car on the way home


Night 1 with Romeo sleeping with us 


Night 2, Still sleeping cozy with Javs


Night 3, Still sleeping with Javs, until we had to decide to make him sleep first in his kennel as he was not yet toilet trained 




Click here to go to their Facebook Page :  Boston Terriers Philippines  

 By going through Paul’s facebook page, I realized he is into photography! I pulled out a few of his photos


And for those who want to ride in Pook Ligaya, contact Violet

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Newborn Baby Photos

By | For kids, Photography | 2 Comments

When I saw these baby photos of my cousin, I realized that one of my regrets in life is not having a professional photo of my babies taken…and now I cannot shrink them anymore and I can’t capture that moment.  And don’t these photos make you want to have a baby? 🙂  Adorable!




Flight to The Stars by Samantha Coyiuto

By | Hot Off the Press | One Comment

Congratulations Samantha on the launch of your book.  We were not able to get a copy during the launch as the lines were long and we were rushing, but we got copies a few days ago.  Congratulations Peter and Elena again and again and again!  We admire you as parents and for the support you give your children in order for them to fulfill their dreams and wishes!






There’s More than Meets the Eye at MUJI – Now Open in Manila

By | What's New at Rustan's | 7 Comments

Congratulations to my cousin, Anton, for another  great brand acquired for Stores Specialists Inc.


Premier retailer Stores Specialists, Inc. finally opens Japanese brand MUJI in Manila. From apparel, accessories, furniture to food, MUJI showcases its full lifestyle offerings in its new home at the Bonifacio High Street, Taguig City.


As a brand born at the height of Japan’s consumerist phase in the 1980’s, MUJI has always defined its products through restraint, simplicity and relevance. Their revolutionary idea of eliminating logos and instead focusing on improving product design and functionality struck a chord with society. In fact, their brand name, Mujirushi Ryohin—which translates to “no brand, quality products”— embodies their goal of making their products speak for themselves.


MUJI’s core principles revolve around three important themes: selection of materials, streamlining of process, and simplification of packaging. The first mark of MUJI’s dedication to quality stems from their incessant search for sustainable and innovative sources of raw materials. This allows them to produce eco-friendly products like organic towels as well as denim tags recycled into wallets. Upon sourcing the best materials, items undergo a meticulous design process that aims to eliminate the unnecessary. Items that seem simple have actually been redesigned for optimal use.  In keeping with their natural stance, MUJI veers away from artificial additives so products retain their original color and shape.


MUJI’s penchant for simplicity and their concern for the environment extend to its packaging. Items are presented as they are, and packaging is kept to a minimum. Consumers are also encouraged to buy only what they need—one pillowcase instead of a set of two, and ink refills instead of new pens. This allows MUJI, as well as their many patrons to conserve resources and reduce waste.


Over the years, MUJI has put forward essential items that are practical yet covetable, and eco-friendly yet luxurious.


In its 30 years in business, MUJI has created innovative products that include stackable PP boxes, recycled notebooks, cardboard box speakers, and right angle socks. Their household items adhere to a minimalist aesthetic suitable for any home, and their clothing line presents wardrobe basics all made from the best fabric cut in comfortable silhouettes. 


What started as an antithesis to brands, MUJI has evolved to be a well-loved Japanese brand. From a modest line-up of 40 products, MUJI has grown to include over 7,000 products sold in 18 countries. As it continues its global expansion, expect MUJI to continue to put a creative spin on simplicity.



In the Philippines, Muji is exclusively distributed by Stores Specialists, Inc. (SSI) and is located at Bonifacio High Street, Taguig City.

Heart2Heart Loves Pink

By | Pink | 2 Comments

Thanks to Agatha for this beautiful pink heart pendant 


My pink Packing Cubes for travelling 


Pink Starbucks cap from Mom 


My pink cellphone cover from my good friends Ned and Janet 


My Pink Nike rubbershoe bought for me by my husband, James, maybe 5 years ago and I am still using them in the gym 🙂 


Pink Boots with hearts! Heart and Pink!  But I don’t think I would wear something like it 🙂 Spotted in Tokyo 


Spotted in Tokyo as well- a pink bike!  I think I am Japanese – they seem to like pink and hearts too! 🙂 


I was shocked to see this!  A pink building!! Also in Tokyo!  Maybe one day I will build a pink building 🙂 


One of my favorite movies when I was a teenager 


Pink Starbucks pitchers in my ref 


Pink Hat worn by my sister, Margs 


My Pink mouse given by my good friends, Ned and Janet 


A Pink chick I bought when we went to Obando, it is now a CHICKEN!  Not so pink anymore 🙂 


A pink heart 🙂 


Daughter of my friend, Geraldine, wearing a pink heart on her shirt 


A pink knife! I saw this in Rustan’s home section 


A pink mini rosary which I bought also from Obando 


and a pink heart necklace which Candy was wearing!!! Love it! 


 Previous Entries:

Pink Events by Jun Jun Ablaza October 14, 2010 

Heart2Heart’s Pink Macbook October 23, 2009

Pink Kitchen 2008 by ICanServe October 26 2008 

Tickled Pink 2 ” The Bazaar to End All Bazaars ” October 22, 2007 

Pink Kitchen August 12, 2007 

Educare Celebrates Valentine’s! A Pink One February 13, 2007

Pink Cafe Jan 26, 2009 

