It was so nice to have Pam join the family in Naga! And because of her, we met the Buenaflor family. We met one of her best friends who is also named Rica!
The Buenaflor family invited us over to their farm which is high on top of the mountain and unfortunately we missed the view as we arrived in the evening already and it was dark.
And to my surprise, Rica’s husband is Carlo Buenaflor who I used to work with in Rustan’s long ago when he was still a teenager! Carlo was a Rustan’s YOUNG VIP model!! And I can’t believe that now he has grown so much and is happily married with 5 children!
Thank you Tito Jake and Tita Nye for inviting us to your home!
What a unique dinner we had which they prepared for us! This was our dining table
The plates
and the food!!
We used our hands, but in case of emergency!!!
And the five kids of Carlo and Rica
Happy Birthday Max!!!
And they even had a bonfire for the kids!! What FUN!
Carlo set up some music in the garden
and the kids enjoying the marshmallows
Awwwwwwwww Rics! These are awesome cute photos!!! You truly captured the best moments of this night. Thanks much Rics! Big hug!
Thanks for adding this to your blog rica and I’m glad that your family enjoyed the simple “handa”
You are always welcome to come back and make sure you make it before sunset next time!
Warm Regards!!
What a small world! Carlo’s my cousin. Tita Nienie’s my dad’s sister.
carlo—YOUNG VIP BABY!!!!!! yihee!
Thanks for blogging this Rica. Awesome photos, everything looks so rustic. Quito, quiet ka Lang diyan. Huwag Na natin ungkatin ang dark and shady past. Hahaha!!!
If I recall correctly, Carlo was the most handsome Young VIP model back in the day!!!! Haha!
I’m glad to see Quito is learning to eat Filipino food….with his hands no less!
Haha! Just when I’m trying to forget the past Carey surfaces to remind me of our VIP days! Carey was the ladies man!
Guys, this is so funny!!!
Rica- not a dark past at all! Those were our happiest times and the fun part of our job! We loved the gang and they were like our kids!
Cary- you were same batch pala!!
I wish I had the photos so I can feature all of you!!!
Carlo and Cary – very popular!!!
I wish we could have a reunion!!!!
hey carx and rics! these photos are so nice i really miss pecuaria often. wish we could all be there together next new years, we’ll be missing you guys takecare and enjoy! love you!
[…] Previous entry: Dinner at the Buenaflors December 2, 2010 […]