Minnie’s Thanksgiving Celebration

Remember my friend, Minnie ( Romina’s Birthday Message October 26, 2009) ?  

She arrived from the states to spend Christmas with her family.  It was nice to see Minnie and finally meet Paul and her baby Kieron!  I admire all of them for everything they have gone through.  It has been tough yet they are thankful for all the blessings they have received.  Thanks Minnie for making me part of your Thanksgiving celebration! Read her story and be amazed at how strong she is and how her very good husband supported her

“My parents are throwing a Thanksgiving party for me, Paul and Kieron and for everyone who stormed the heavens with prayers for my recovery and Kieron’s safe delivery. Because of all your prayers, we are here, healthy and getting stronger everyday.” 





  • lilliann says:

    So happy to see you strong and in good shape Romina! Thought of you many times and im so blessed to hear your testimony! Will continue to pray for you! God Bless you and have a wonderful new year ahead!


  • Minnie Narth says:

    Thank you Lills! God bless you and your family!

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