Monthly Archives: December 2010

Cookies For Santa?

By | Christmas, For kids, Recipes | 7 Comments

About two weeks ago, we arrived home from a Christmas party and we noticed the lights opened in the hallway and when we opened the front door, we saw a table with a note and a covered plate.  We thought Javier left cookies for Santa………. 


As we went closer, we saw that the note was for us! 


Javier (Chef Javs Feb 27, 2010  )cooked one of his invented recipes while we were away…..he calls it Queso de Onion ( Onion Rings with Queso de Bola ) 🙂  He calls his older brother “Manong” who is one of his biggest fans and eats all his inventions


When we opened the cover, this was what was inside!!  🙂  So funny and so sweet our son!   




Minnie’s Thanksgiving Celebration

By | Christmas, Great Achievements | 2 Comments

Remember my friend, Minnie ( Romina’s Birthday Message October 26, 2009) ?  

She arrived from the states to spend Christmas with her family.  It was nice to see Minnie and finally meet Paul and her baby Kieron!  I admire all of them for everything they have gone through.  It has been tough yet they are thankful for all the blessings they have received.  Thanks Minnie for making me part of your Thanksgiving celebration! Read her story and be amazed at how strong she is and how her very good husband supported her

“My parents are throwing a Thanksgiving party for me, Paul and Kieron and for everyone who stormed the heavens with prayers for my recovery and Kieron’s safe delivery. Because of all your prayers, we are here, healthy and getting stronger everyday.” 




City Hall Maxim’s Palace

By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

Three days in Hong Kong and we realized we did have great meals but we did not shop for anything! But then we realized we had a great time! 🙂

Our last meal in Hong Kong, dimsum for breakfast!  James enjoys Asian food!  So he let me have my Italian and steaks and he had his Xiao Long Baos and dimsum 🙂

Around 2 blocks away from Mandarin Oriental Hotel is City Hall where they have dimsum!! 


The big city hall was almost full on a Sunday morning for breakfast!! 


Dimsum carts going around 




The Best Xiao Long Baos

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

For us, nothing beats Din tai Fung’s Xiao Long Baos.  We still have to try if there is anything that can match or beat it.  But til this day, none for us.  For our last dinner in Hong Kong, James chose Din Tai Fung!  And of course the place was full and there was still a long line outside


 Din Tai Fung is the only one who has the Steamed CRAB ROE with PORK and the BLACK TRUFFLE PORK. YUMMY!!! This is already our meal and they all look at me because I eat it with rice 🙂



Go Ape

By | Fashion, Travel | No Comments

 If there was one thing James knew he wanted to do in HK, it was to pass by the Bape store……. 


And at 11am on a Saturday morning, there was a line!!  even inside the store, there was a line to the cash registers to pay!  Amazing! 


love the entrance 🙂 


When you enter, on the left wall is a display of Bape shoes!!!!! After taking the photo, the salesman stopped me! 🙁


Took some stolen shots because it was really so nice!!! on the floor, there was a rotating display of shoes as well!!



Opus Grill Hong Kong

By | Foodie, Travel | 2 Comments

James and I had our anniversary lunch here at Opus Grill!  We have been wanting to try this as they serve Bryan Flannery steaks in this restaurant.  So, I really made sure that we celebrated here!  And this was my most favorite meal for the whole trip.  Thank you to Bryan Flannery and to the owner Evan Erlanson, for a wonderful anniversary treat!  


Customers store their wines here for an annual fee and they can just consume their wines when they dine here and to go with the delicious steaks 


Private room 


The restaurant manager, Kunal Rana


Our table


Our server, Steve


Loved all the starters!! 


Semlolina-Crisped Rougie Foie Gras


Slab of House cured bacon


Cornflake Crusted Hokkaido Scallops


Loved this burger!!  It was also unique that they did not use the regular burger bun, it was a mixed herbed bread.  The onion rings and fries were so good too! 


Since we are familiar with Bryan Flannery steaks…. 


James wanted to try this… 


Blackmore’s ribeye


If I could, I would order all of the sides!!!!  And though that truffled Mac looked good and was one of their bestsellers, I wanted to try something new, so I had the Roquefort and Bacon mac which was also good 


Believe it or not, we still had room for dessert 


Lunch Menu


