Heavy Bicycle Loads

On the way down driving  from Baguio, we saw this!!! They were in front of us 


 I remembered i received this from my friend, Bobby 

Apparently, some people in China have never heard of U-Haul. They are, however, amazingly efficient in the way they pack and move all their inventory on a tiny little bike.

“Manufactured Totems” is a series by Alain Delorme which brilliantly portrays the pressure Shanghainese migrant workers face. Piles of products labeled “Made in China” are stacked up to produce gargantuan sculptures, symbolizing their ever-increasing fetish with objects. The vertical nature of these items echoes the incessant expansion of the urban space – constantly under construction.

Taken from:  http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/heavy-bicycle-loads-10-photos



One Comment

  • len tugado says:

    Hi Ms. Rica,

    These pictures bring so much memories when I lived in China. Bicycles were always packed with empty water and soda bottles, newspapers, and even boxes of shoes. I always wondered at how they are able to pack it in and still move efficiently thru traffic.

    Truly amazing. 🙂


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