Of course the Xiao Long Bao loving family heard about Shi Lin, so last year, we went to try it!!
We were surprised to find out that the place is owned by the Lorenzana family, the same owners of Office Warehouse! Our cousin, Marga, is married to a Lorenzana ( Eugene )!
Previous Entry: Dwell May 20, 2009
Eugene’s brother, Carlo and wife, Anna
We were lucky to get a table, we heard that the place is always full!!!! More during lunch time
That evening, we bumped into Tito Butch and Keith and Angela and kids!! We came from the same school Christmas program and we had the same idea!!! And thanks to Tito Butch for treating us!! and most especially for the company!
If there is a Hainanese Chicken craze, there seems to be a xiao long bao craze going around as well!! The Xiao Long Bao is very very reasonable! P 108.00 for 6 pcs!! My 3 boys, the xiao long bao eaters, say that it is okay, not quite like Din Tai Fung in terms of size and soupyness, but it is OK already! You cannot really compare because even the price is so much cheaper. Though no one yet has the other variety my boys like – the pork and crab roe and for me the black truffles!!
After dinner, it was our turn to treat!! We had our dessert on the ground floor of Podium and had GOLDEN SPOON!!!
Hi Rica,
Great photos and thanks again for the Golden Spoon Treat! We really enjoyed you and your family’s company as well.