Chef Javs Part 2

By January 27, 2011 Foodie, For kids 5 Comments

It’s been almost a year since Heart2Heart featured Chef Javs.  

Previous Entry:  Chef Javs Feb 27, 2010 

Mommy Heart2Heart is happy to know that Chef Javs is still wanting to be a chef a year after 🙂  and now he is even more passionate as he turns eleven years old today.  Happy Birthday to our little chef!  Thank you to Daddy for supplying the ingredients for Chef Javs! We will encourage him and support him in whatever he wants to be!


After Chef Javs made his Queso de Onion which he cooked for a few friends and family, he has been asking me to promote it and sell it for him in Heart2Heart 🙂 

Previous entry:  Cookies for Santa Dec. 26, 2010 

Mommy keeps telling Chef Javs to go to cooking school to learn first …meantime, Chef Javs has been making many other inventions and learning on his own from the internet and from his cookbooks.  It’s quite difficult to know when he will be making something so the photos are sometimes too late or taken from a cellphone ( so bear with them ).  What amazes me most is the way he explains to us how he makes each dish.  And it seems he is learning more and more everyday 🙂  





  • quito says:

    Nice Javier! You will be a great Chef one day! You have the passion! Ninong

  • Brenda l. Tanjutco says:

    With a gourmet Lola M enchu showing the way, how can, not one of the family, follow suit ? Congrats to Chez Jav! Can’t wait to be seated in his restaurant one day. A prodigy in culinary arts is born!

  • brenda says:

    wow!.. future RND chef of UNILOGIX..

  • Michele says:

    Awwww! Cute!! The deep fried oreos and kitkat made me hungry!!! And the salmon and potato pancakes looks yummy!

  • Stephen & Reggie Young says:

    BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAVIER & WISHING YOU LOTS OF CHEERS! Please do continue with your dreams of becoming a professional chef…even now keep on dabling and trying out all your recipes. I started my cooking lessons early on when I was between 7-9 and was largely influenced by my Lola on my father’s side. She was from the old school which believed in home grown produce, made from scratch and what today is called “slow cooking” “natural & organic” so she was a pioneer in her own time. Whileit is good to learn the basics in formal school, what’s important is for you to develope your own palatte and learn to work magic with your hands. Hope we can cook together some time soon. Lots of hugs! Tita Reggie

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