Monthly Archives: January 2011

Dragon Fireworks

By | Classifieds/Segunda Mano | No Comments

James is always in charge of fireworks.  So for New Year, he always purchases from Dragon which is a reputable source for fireworks.  They now have a website where you can actually see the fireworks so you can choose.  We had a great fireworks display for New Year!!  You don’t need to go to Disnelyand anymore 🙂

Click below to go to the website




Paparazzi, Edsa Shangrila Hotel

By | Christmas, Foodie | No Comments

For Christmas lunch, since all the staff were resting from the Christmas preparations, Dad and Mom invited us to lunch and since not all restaurants are open on Christmas Day, the best bet are always the hotels.  So we went to Edsa Shangri-la Hotel. They had a buffet where you can get your antipasto and dessert and you are served your soup and  choice of main dish.  It was very good!


