Pretty in Pink by Tessa

By February 25, 2011 Giving Back 5 Comments

I am rushing this feature because you have till Sunday to go to Powerplant Mall at Rockwell to bid on the beautiful Barbie dolls being auctioned off by Tessa 


Remember the Christmas tree in Dusit Thani Hotel where Tessa had a Barbie Christmas tree?  Then she won and gave P 100,000.00 to her favorite charity!  

Previous Entry:  Unity in Diversity December 22, 2010 

After that, she had an idea to further auction off the barbie dolls from the tree and still raise more money to give to charity….. AGAIN!! Isn’t she amazing?


And here she is!  Queen Tessa! I was telling Malou that Tessa is so funny because she bidded on many of her Barbie dolls! And Malou said, ” Ya, she can’t just give it directly, she has to have an event!” 🙂  Just to show you how our friend, Tessa, is! Always so COLORFUL and always so GIVING!!! And WE LOVE HER!!  Heart2Heart truly admires the SEA QUEEN ( That’s Heart2Heart’s title for her)!   


There were many Barbie dolls on display 


And so nice to see so many people come to support Tessa’ project


And so many who place their bids on the dolls.  I was not able to stay too long so I was able to catch only the first few bids 


James Reyes and his barbie doll dressed in paper which he cut and made into a dress – one of the popular dolls 


Girlie bidding for one of Rajo’s dolls 


Czarina was there with her friend Sheila who bidded on Cecile Zamora’s ( Chuvaness )  doll  


Tessa’s Mom, Tita Marixi, was there also to support her daughter.  So sweet!  and also bidded for some of the dolls 


Susan Joven also bidding for her grandaughter, Chloe 🙂 


Lovely sisters, Popsie and Malou bidding  


There was a painting exhibit by Tessa Alindogan 


and cute cakes by Red Ribbon


And there were kids all dressed up- I heard there was going to be a mother -daughter fashion show which i was not able to see anymore.

Of course Tessa’s daughter, Athena,  looked so cute!!  


Ernie Lopez  and his twins


Super cute Chloe 



And Tessa comes out of the giant cake!! 🙂 


Thank you to all the sponsors who made all of this possible and also donated for a good cause!! 




  • the “live” tessa is the most beautiful barbie on display. i just love her! 🙂
    and i think her project was a success for bantay-bata …
    more on tessa, please (heart-to-heart)

  • Tessa Valdes says:

    I love you Rica!!!! My events and parties are more beautiful in your blog! Always happy that you share with others!!!! Love it!! Thanks so much for covering!!! I have an extra Barbie that had no bid.. I will send it to your mom’s house! Happy weekend! Til my next affair!

    PS> Thanks Bing for your comment! So happy to help Bantay Bata!

  • Tessa Valdes says:

    Rica, teach me how to tag this link so I can twitter to my followers… and in facebook too! Thanks!

  • Emma Canas-Strama says:

    I am an avid reader PDI. While I was reading this article I come across the name that I used to work with when I was still in the Phil. Her name is Tessa Alindogan. I always knew she will be a very successful one. I am very impress by her art works and designs. May God continue more blessings to you all. Regards to her although she may not remember me. I still remember being invited for lunch and showed her beautiful house to us .

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