For the past weeks, Pam has been talking to us about Feng Shui! She is so into it and so hilarious when she talks to us about her Feng Shui for the year! Here she is showing us her charm!! Her Feng Shui master, Master Chau from the Mandarin, told her that she cannot cut her hair above her shoulder, she has to use a SMART cellphone number and and and……
Margs and I are just laughing and being entertained by her
Pam bought this charm for P 2,300.00 in World of Feng Shui. I told her, she better get rich! haha!! Pam said that it is supposed to work like THE SECRET where your thoughts come to reality. So the charm is supposed to empower and make rich become reality! Hmmm… I told Margs that we will watch out for Pam this year and see if her Feng Shui will really work
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