Rimowa Travel Advisory

By April 19, 2011 Finds, Pink, Travel 5 Comments

A few weeks ago, I saw this!!! I got so excited because I had just recently held a Rimowa luggage used by Dad and Mom and I loved how light it was and how easy it was to tag along in the airport.


Then a week or so after, I saw this!!!!  It was James birthday and he gave a me a gift on his birthday!!! Hmmmm…. where can you find a husband like that?? 🙂  Today we travel and I bring along my pink luggage and will not have to worry too much about luggage allowance on the plane where sometimes just the luggage alone already weighs 7 kilos- so you have 13 kilos left for things to put inside! Not only will it be light but hopefully I will be able to spot my luggage on the carousel from far away….unless someone bought the same ones 🙂




  • Bea Azcuna says:

    Hi Rica! I really love all you write about! Not to mention the great pictures you post to go along with your text. You really have a gift of writing and entertaining. Thank you for never tiring to share all your food, shopping, arts and crafts, travel, friends and family experiences with us your readers. 🙂

  • Rica says:

    Thanks Bea for viewing Heart2Heart and for your kind words. I hope you will continue to stay tuned and share them with your loved ones too 🙂

  • Alnette says:

    hi, Rica! Thanks for this blog. Would you know how mush this limited edition series is?

  • giselle says:

    is this the lightest model Rica? (:
    Alnette: 77cm/3.7kg-PHP38 thou plus (:

  • Rica says:

    Hi Alnette, I am not sure how much, it was a gift 🙂 I was scared to even ask how much! haha!!

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