In a month or so, we will be moving to a new home.  If there are people who procrastinate, I am the exact opposite!  I always like to do things ahead and plan in advance so that when the time comes, I am not rushing or panicking to get things done.  Is there are term for those type of people?  🙂

About  a month ago, I started packing up already in preparation for the move.  I asked around for empty boxes so I can put all my things inside.


I took this time to also go through all my things and clean up things I do not need.  Even though I do this throughout the year and try to avoid accumulating things I do not need, I always end up with so many things!  but by cleaning up I eliminate the number of things I need to transfer right?  I tackled this by starting by room or by part of the house, so the kitchen was the first.  I had my staff bring out everything and lay the things all on top of the dining table so I can see everything with one glance.  If I spot something that I have not used in a year that means I do not need the item so I either:

*** Give it to a friend or family who may want it

*** Give it to my staff or donate it

*** Or just dispose

I was not able to take a photo of the kitchen stuff on top of the table anymore.  This photo is a photo of the things from my drawers in the room. When I have time, I schedule an area to tackle, so kitchen, then another day I did the pantry, then the living room, then the room drawers.  That way I am not pressured to finish so many things all at once

1.)  The staff lays it out on the table

2.)  I look at it and check it

3.)  Then I tell them to pack it 


Each box has to be marked depending on what room it will go to in the new house.  So when it gets there, they know where to drop the box.  I feel it is more organized and more efficient this way and I do not have to be present when they do the transferring and unloading.  I don’t use any sophisticated labels or boxes.  I also just tell my staff what to do so they are the ones packing and writing everything on the boxes 


The house is a bit messy now with all the boxes, but it is organized chaos in a way that all the boxes are all sorted by room in each corner of the house. 🙂  After I pack, I plan to list down the number of boxes per room just so I have an inventory and can make sure I get the same number of boxes in the other house 


I bought these clothes hanger from Shopwise worth p 400 plus and I will just hang our clothes here and transfer it in these hangers – that way we do not have to remove, fold, then hang again.  Just hang and then transfer then hang 🙂


After I had done all this, my husband tells me that I should have just hired movers to do it for me…..Huh? thanks for telling me! 🙂  But then again, I want to do it myself so it is a chance for me to see all the things we have.  I am trying to minimize the things, after all, it’s like we are starting anew.  

This is my first time to really move to another house so i do not know if I am doing this correctly, if you have other tips or suggestions, I would highly appreciate it …. or else, WISH ME LUCK! 🙂

Updated July 7

Thanks Ginge for sharing your article, I am sure this is still applicable even if it is several years ago







  • Atrevi says:

    Ms. Rica, I have moved into our new home just last November. You are doing a great job! I had wanted to do that kind of sorting in our old house but my back injury has limited me physically to sort them before moving. I was only able to do that for my home office but the rest of the house followed my husband’s strategy. My husband’s strategy, which is to pack everything and sort in the new house, is what we followed. It took us three weekends to sort through our kids toys and three long nights to early mornings to organize! It took two days to organize our stock room. It took me three weekends to organize our new study room. It’s tiring but liberating and cleansing after.

    My only tip for you is to buy big rolls of saran or clear wrap (Glad wrap). Wrap you furniture and other things that you do not want to get dust on. But clean it first before you wrap them. It will save you many hours of having to re clean your things again after the move.

    Happy moving.

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Frannie A. Jacinto good work, rica! i have to learn these tricks from you so my next move will be painless.
    Tuesday at 10:06pm · Unlike · 1 person

    Ginge P Salud Good luck Rics! I guess there is no set technique. To each his own! I wrote an article about moving a few years back. Will share with you. I have moved 6x in my lifetime so far and am hoping that there will not be another need to move again. 🙂 As for you, I am sure you’re doing just fine.
    Tuesday at 10:28pm · Like

    Tricia Hosaka Just make sure the movers will deliver your stuff to the right address. 🙂
    Tuesday at 10:39pm · Like
    Rica Lopez de Jesus Ginge, pls pls share the article!
    Tuesday at 10:40pm · Like

    Jackie Garcia Good luck Ma’am Rica 🙂
    Tuesday at 10:47pm · Like
    Rica Lopez de Jesus Haha Tricia, I hope so! 🙂 Thanks jackie!
    Tuesday at 11:13pm · Like

    Ganga Thadani Dargani Wow R?ca hope you st?ll ?n the v?llage 🙂
    Tuesday at 11:57pm · Like

    Babet Cruz mam you did the right thing..all boxes should be marked what part of the house it will go…dont forget to put “breakables or fragile” to items that will easily breaks ….just moved in our new house and i did the same 🙂
    Yesterday at 12:52am · Like

    Marden Cordova Iglesias it is so RLJ…in relation to “retail is detail”…best regards!
    Yesterday at 2:25am · Like

    Jojo Verzosa Lazo Ric, I suggest numbering the boxes then noting them down with its contents (maybe with a bit more details) eg. Box 1 – Bedroom 1; Box 2 – Bags, shoes etc. – this way you know how exactly many boxes you should’ve moved with you and know exactly where to find them when you refer to the list. The list has helped me find little things that I’ve left unpacked many years after:)
    Yesterday at 4:31am · Like

    Delicioso-Mesclun Specialties HI Rics, I did exactly what Jojo said… it was so efficient! then right after we moved,my maid lost the notebook 🙁 haha… best to encode in your computer this list;-)
    Yesterday at 7:43am · Like

    Chary Mercado When we were moving in the US, we used movers who couldnt speak English. I put color coded patches on each box to show which room they should go to in the new house. I put maps all over the new house with the layout in color too so all the movers knew what went where each time they brought a new box inside and I didn’t have to keep attempting to speak Spanish!
    23 hours ago · Like · 1 person

    Rica Lopez de Jesus Ganga, same village 🙂 Still nearby. Babet thanks you are right need to put fragile labels. Marden, you never forget! 🙂 Jojo, thanks!! no more listing down for me, i do that for Balikbayan boxes haha! our transfer is simple only I have very little things. I am not even taping the boxes anymore to be environment friendly. Jill, that is hilarious! I have everything in my computer 🙂 Chary, my movers are all my household staff so I will probably mark each room just to be sure they put it in the right room. Thanks everyone for the tips!!!

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