Baby Shower for Lils and Lau

I can’t believe that at my age of 41, I am still attending baby showers for friends my age!  🙂  But it’s a nice feeling because it makes us feel young 🙂

Previous entry:  Baby Shower and Fondue October 13, 2008 

I am delayed in posting this as this happened last Sunday and today Lils already popped.  Lils is in a bit of a delicate situation and we pray that everything will go well.  And soon in a few months, Lau will pop too



Oops last shot with the boys! 




One Comment

  • Jovita says:

    I gave birth to a healthy boy five months ago at 40! I had no problems so I wish your friend all the very best. It’s wonderful to be a mom at forty 🙂

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