Chef Javs Bakes for Lola Charing

By September 3, 2011 For kids 3 Comments

Chef Javs has been baking and cooking continously til now.  I wonder how long this will last and if he will really pursue his culinary interest!  One saturday, Chef Javs baked something for Lola and brought it to our regular Saturday lunch with Lola. Ever since then, he has been using his saturday mornings to bake and cook for Lola.  

This is Creme brulee – for some reason whenever he brings it, there is already a missing part and guess who ate that missing part! 🙂


Filo pastry with fruit fillings 🙂 


Tarte Tatin 🙂  This was his first try and he brought it to Lola 


and then he improved it on another Saturday 🙂


And today, as requested by the Lolas, he made peanut butter cups! 🙂 


Lola Nena and the other Lolas, Titos and Titas all try a bit from Javs goodies so maybe that’s why he is always happy to serve them every Saturday 


And after his hard work, Lola gives him P 500.00.  Javier at first did not accept ( which I was happy he reacted that way ) but Lola insisted 🙂  So that is what Javs uses to buy his ingredients and his baon in school 




  • MAritess says:

    hey he should also bring cakes to our gatherings…. when ever lolo benny loves apple pies

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Yes he will be doing this – he cooked his fettucine already for Lolo. He is making something soon 🙂

  • Stephen & Reggie Young says:

    Wonderful to see Javi’s dishes and continued passion for the culinary arts…he should start to apprentice already as the greatest chefs start early in their teens…cleaning, chopping and just being around the kitchen…Keep on encouraging him…Hugs & cheers!!!

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