Last Saturday, my batchmates and I had a lot of fun!!! I recently made a video summarizing all the fundraising we have been doing the past years.
Previous Entry: AC HS Batch 87 Getting Ready for 2012
In celebration for finishing and raising the money we needed, we had a reunion of batchmates
Here is another video which I made to put together how we planned for the event and how WE ALL HAD A LOT OF FUN!
It took almost a year to plan and organize for that one evening and it was all worth it.
I would like to thank the committee heads and members for all the hard work they put into making this a great success!
Each and everyone participated – whether small or big – what matters is everyone’s willingness to participate and give to our batch. And we had fun because we all put our hearts into this.
“People obtain pure joy not because they
do great things, but, because they do
small ones with great
As I said, it would have probably been a piece of cake for a few batchmates to just donate the cash, but then it would have defeated the purpose of working together and allowing others to partake and GIVE something from themselves. To GIVE FROM THE HEART. It’s because they gave from the heart that many have given more than what is expected.
It’s not always the end product but it’s how all the pieces came together into place- all the meetings, the
coordination, the planning which made the batch stronger as a group
“Life is not about destination, It’s about the journey of
being the best person you can be, and being there to make people happy and give a helping hand.
It’s about the little things we do along the way that makes our journey and the journey of other people more memorable”
Thank you Tessa for the article which I only saw yesterday which my cousin, Ana, sent me. You said it perfectly, we hit 2 birds with one stone:
Thanks Toots Magsino, our creative artist, for this beautiful collage
was able to view it na rics! you’re such a wonderful photo journalist! super thanks for pushing us to do this event, otherwise we would have never accomplished it! hahaha! it’s clear how much heart you put into everything you do!
You are truly such a blessing to the batch, Rica! Thanks for the hours you lovingly put to make every event so meaningful! Here’s to a wonderful year preparing for Velada 2012! From the bottom of our hearts, our deepest thanks!
It was tour d’ force of a velada with your aninmo, enthusiasm and energy! Getting there was as successful as gaining your goal because of your united efforts. Your beneficiaries are lucky indeed and blessed. Nice to see Sister Carla giving you full support!
Dear Rica,
This is fantastic! We are so so blessed to have you as our batch mate! Thank you for spearheading this and seeing it through! Here’s to the our Velada.. So excited for all the fun preparing for the big day!
Rics, we are truly lucky to have you in our batch, to inspire us, to lead us, and to make sure things happen the way they should be! And most of all, to add that final touch by putting so much time, effort and talent in documenting all these so they truly make a deep imprint in our hearts! Cheers !
[…] Previous entry: AC HS Batch 87 Girls Had a Lot of Fun October 16, 2011 […]