Re:New Me By Cohen Lifestyle Center

The fist time I heard about the Cohen diet was when I saw photos of my friend in facebook.  It was amazing!!  Mecca looks even younger than when I knew her about 15 years ago!


Then I heard more about it from our friend, Dette who would not eat anything when we would have our lunches!!  She was really very strict about what she was eating….no wonder these girls get such good results!!!


And then I also found out that my batchmate Rowena sent her daughter who is 18 years old  and she looks really great too!! Rowena told me that not only does she look great but it has changed her daughter’s life.  She has higher self esteem now and continues to work towards her desired goal


 So I asked Rowena to take me to the event with her because I wanted to know more about it and of course to see her daughter model 🙂 


The owners themselves are living proof of the program because they themselves have lost so many pounds!  After seeing many testimonials, the average weight loss is around 10 pounds per month.  The beauty of it is that it is supervised and they take your blood pressure every month when you visit the clinic to have a check up


Dr. Bandola literally lost a whole person by losing 110 pounds!  AMAZING!! 


I bumped into a few people who I knew- Batchmates – Anton Turalba- Abdon and Adiel Ty Cruz, Tita Evelyn, friends and relatives of people under the program,  some are undergoing already and some still planning to RENEW their lifestyle 🙂 


I wish all events would serve healthy food 🙂  Even our food that evening was healthy and based on recipes from Dr. Cohen 


Take note, they only give you a fork to eat 🙂  I don’t know if that is intentional but to me, it’s a good technique to lessen your eating 


The event ended with a fashion show of some of the living testimonials and every one of them looked really good, healthy and happy!   


And here is Isabella, Rowena’s daughter.  Rowena told me she was crying when her daughter was walking down the ramp….I would probably too.  Way to go Isabella!   


Click below to go to their website for more information:




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