The Cheese Steak Shop

By November 22, 2011 Foodie 2 Comments

Our good friend Newton sent me this yesterday


James had told me about this last July but we never got to go.  But this is a good incentive! 🙂 So we went for lunch today!! You won’t miss it because there is a big banner outside the building facade


And there is a guy waving an arrow sign outside the parking 🙂


I arrived a little before 12 noon and there were very little people 


and as soon as we were going to line up, suddenly there was a line!! So we ended up being at the end of the line! James even came earlier but he was taking his time thinking there were not much people.  And after us suddenly people started coming in


 James introduced me to Cheesesteak when he was still studying in Philadelphia and it was love at first bite 🙂  I let him do the ordering since he is the cheesesteak expert


He finally got to the counter and ordered at 12:10pm after which we were waiting for 30 minutes to get our order.  It took quite awhile for everyone to get their orders.  I suggest you go early and during non peak hours to avoid waiting and to avoid getting too hungry 🙂


While waiting we got our condiments 🙂


This arrived first – Bacon Cheesesteak – we gulped it down so fast!  I normally have a hard time finishing half but this was manageable for me. The one on promo was only the 7″ size which os their smallest size so I guess it’s perfect for me.   It was yummy!! James the cheesesteak expert said ” it’s okay and it’s soft bread” 


Then our fries – twister fries and we ordered side order value meal of garlic fries with soda 


Then the free sandwich came which had mushrooms, onion and peppers which according to the staff – it is one of their bestsellers.  I personally don’t really like peppers too much – so I just removed the peppers and it was good!


and someone was going around giving free pastries 


frequency card 


 Hurry!! you can still go today and then til the 24th, thursday!






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