Believe it or not, we have not yet moved!  I have been packed and ready since July 5!  

Previous Entry:  Packing Up July 5, 2011 

We have been moving things slowly and many things we have decided not to take with us except for a few things.  One of them is our Sub Zero.  When we got married 17 years ago and moved to our house, one of the first investments we made was buying a Sub Zero.  They did not have it yet available in the Philippines at that time, so we had to even get it from the States and have it shipped here.  

This is it being dismantled and removed from our kitchen.  Good thing I was still able to take a photo.  The white wood has already turned somewhat beige in color 


This is the inside which is still okay except for a few spots where paint has been removed already through time and from opening and closing the refrigerator


 We transferred it to the new place and we called Focus Global to transfer it.   We trust only them to do the transfer to make sure that it is done properly and correctly.  We had it repainted first before putting it in the kitchen.  And here it is now in it’s new home.  The photo is not too good but the wood is now back to white and it looks like brand new and still functioning well 🙂




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