Javier’s Christmas Party

By December 29, 2011 Christmas 15 Comments

Javs was very insistent on having a christmas party for the household staff, so i told him to send me his proposal on writing and this is what he sent me…….


When I was a kid, My sister and I were in charge of the staff party which my Mom made us organize.  I am so glad that my son is very thoughtful and loves the household staff and that he is the one taking the initiative to do this on his own. He used his own saving to buy prizes and some ingredients for the food.

Here he is in boxer shorts 🙂  playing the games with the staff


We were busy moving houses that day and he stayed and prepared for the party.  It started at 730pm and we passed by at 10pm and this is what we saw in our garage – they were playing musical chairs 🙂


Their homemade food 🙂




  • migs says:

    That’s so wonderful and selfless for your son to do that. Praise God, you’ve truly raised a good guy!!! More Love and Blessings to You and your Family.

  • Mini Sindao says:

    How sweet. It’s really a blessing to have such loving children. Happy New year, Ma’am!

  • beam800 says:

    Hi Rica! Oh wow, I teared reading this post. So touched with Javier and how loving and compassionate he is! May he be emulated by more young people. Happy New Year! 🙂

  • Ara says:

    I just can’t let this post pass and not say that this is just heartwarming. You have raised a very good son. Good job Javier!! I am not a mom yet but if ever I become someday, I will instill kind-heartedness to my kids like what Javier is doing. Happy New Year Ms. Rica and to your family too.

  • Liee says:

    Awww that’s cute! You have great kids. Happy New Year to you and your family and everyone in your household!

  • neng completo says:

    way to go Javier! wow Rica! i am blessed with this story. Javier has a wonderful heart and i pray he will continue to grow up loving and kind. You and James have raised a truly good son! give my hug to him and tell him, i am looking forward to eat more of his cooking. 🙂 have a wonderful new year to you! did you get our gift?

  • jun alvendia says:

    Javy’s heart is in the right place. Good trees indeed bear good fruits. Congratulations !

  • chary says:

    Hi Rica,
    My daughter also insisted we do a staff party on Christmas Eve, as in Dec. 24 dinner! And she insisted the family cook the meal ourselves. So she and Lito made the fruit salad and I fried ham in pineapple jam. We bought the Savory chicken nalang because I was so harassed. Lucas took their pictures and washed the plates. The staff was so bitin because I only had one beer per person, but will remember to stock more next year! It is a tradition worth repeating, I think, that we serve those who serve us so well all year round. Will remember to do games rin next year.

    Lucas says he misses Javs and is amazed how much he has changed. Merry christmas!


  • Brenda l. Tanjutco says:

    Hip Hip Hurray for Chef Jav! He truly knows how to share his blessings! Needless to say, your staff must have really felt the true spirit of Christmas being entertained by Jav!

  • lentugado says:

    Ms. Rica,

    Truly heart warming. You have raised a fine young man. May he be emulated by his generation.



  • Cora Jison Baron says:

    Rica, You must be proud of your son. He is one kind, thoughtful young man. He will grow up to be a successful person, He shows compassion and thoughtfulness.

  • Jenny De Jesus says:

    Javier is so thoughful and sweet! You and James have raised him well. 🙂
    Happy New Year ro you and your family! Wishing you all more blessings for 2012.

  • It was simply a beautiful gesture.

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Thanks everyone for all your beautiful and kind comments about Javs. He read all of them. I hope he will continue his kind deeds always

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Engel Querubim Aaawww…. How nice and sweet 🙂 pls give my regards to him. Take care.
    December 29, 2011 at 7:47pm

    Eduarda S. Genuino I love Javier! He has a big heart rics.
    December 29, 2011 at 11:38pm ·

    Brenda Consengco Chef Javier super kind hearted!!!..
    4 hours ago · Like

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