My friend, Barbee, sent her son, Enrique to join the CISV camp last year!  Looks like the kids enjoy at CISV, aside from representing our country, they get to meet different people from all over the world, they experience traveling and being with other children their age and a sense of independence living away from home.  They are so lucky to have this opportunity to experience this kind of camp.  

Thanks Barbee for sharing this with everyone at Heart2Heart!




Some info about Enrique’s camp and delegation:



Children’s International Summer Village, QC Chapter

July 1 to 28, 2011 in Fredericksburg, Denmark (30 minutes from Copenhagen)

His village was called “Our World Village”


Philippine Delegation:  Enrique Chuidian, Luis Trota (son of Rica Tamesis & Robert Trota), Isabel Puno (daughter of Bea Lopez & Eric Puno), Katrina Villonco  (daughter of Hazel Perez & Martoni Villonco)

with Adult Leader:  Anielle Banson




CISV summer camps are called “Villages” and each village consists of child delegates (all 11-year olds); Junior Counselors (JCs); Adult Leaders and the Camp Director

In Enrique’s Village, there were child delegates from 12 countries (each country sends 2 boys and 2 girls, plus one adult leader)


Delegations from the following countries participated in his Village:

o Jordan, Belgium, USA, Costa Rica, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Poland, and Philippines

o Junior Counselors and Camp Staff were also from all over the world






The next round of CISV camps will be in July/ August 2012.  But, in early 2013, the delegates will start getting together for the Saturday playdays where they will all get to learn about CISV and its traditions; learn Filipino songs, games and dances to share when they go away to camp; make some great friendships and in early March, a lottery will take place to determine where these 11-year olds will go to attend camp.  Next summer,  I think the CISV QC chapter will be sending at least 5 delegations (20 kids) to Denmark, Sweden, Mexico, USA, Portugal.

For more information click below to go to their website:





  • chary says:

    thanks for featuring CISV! My son loved his camp too and is looking forward to being a junior counselor when he is 16

  • barbee says:

    Thank you Rica for this post! I’m always happy to share information about CISV and stories from CISV camps. I was a CISV child delegate in 1980 (ok, you can do the math!) and so are all my siblings – Bambee, AP and Barnee. So, we are truly are a CISV family! I hope we can pass on the CISV tradition to all our children too! Thanks again for including this at Heart2Heart — keep up your great work. It’s always enjoyable to read!

  • Rica Trota says:

    What priceless memories for my son Luis!! I am so happy I sent him!!!! He really had a blast!! CISV is really worth it. My 9 year old daughter Patricia can’t wait for her turn!!!

    Thanks for posting Rica & Barbee!!

  • Hazel says:

    Thank you Rica for posting this! As you may have heard from all the other families, our children loved camp so much!! We were also blessed to have a wonderful delegation and the best adult leader!! It took quite awhile before my daughter’s camp “high” subsided! I’ve sent two daughters to Village, two more to go!

  • Tess Yang says:

    It is my first time to read a blog. This is really nice….better than our village kit ;j
    Just one correction of a typo: for the July/August 2012 villages, we start village playdays in February 2012.
    And for the readers who miss their 11th year, there are programs or camps for older children.
    Congratulations on this beautiful compilation.

  • Monica F says:

    Hooray for CISV! I live in NY, but my twins went to village three years ago, and it has changed their lives. They came back even more independent and confident, and with a more global outlook. Every kid that has a chance to go to village should! Happy to see Anielle as leader. One of my twins met her husband Rafa at her village in Norway. It was nice for the NY delegation to meet the Quezon City delegation all the way in Norway. We also had the chance to meet another Filipino delegation at the village we hosted in New York. CISV makes the world smaller (and nicer!) And good to see my across- the- street neighbor from childhood Barbee! Always fun to read this blog Rica.

  • Jackie says:

    Thanks Rica for posting!! I too went to a village in Vasteras, Sweden 1990! It has changed my life! To this day, I’m still in touch with friends from camp all over the world! A MUST for developing kids’ confidence, independence, and awareness! Ü

  • Wendy says:

    Your post just got Audrey excited more. She’s leaving for CISV Italy July 13.

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