For Jerome

By January 19, 2012 Celebrations 3 Comments

Thank you again to our wonderful hosts for organizing a get together for our friend, Jerome!  We are always happy to see Jerome when we can


Because we all LOVE him!


Our dinner spread prepared by Jigger and May




  • […] from the christmas rush, we celebrate friends visiting like Jerome ( For Jerome January 19, 2012 ) and Suharto and Rina!!  A couple who we really love and many other do too!  ( Hilarious pose […]

  • Carminia Pavia says:

    Jerome is super nice just like Jigger & your hubby … I wish I had been there to catch up with him… Advance Happiest Valentine, Rica. Stay beautiful inside & out… hope to see you too in Manila wheni return, i miss everyone there especially May… Big Hug to you, you’re so sweet thoughtful putting this heartline together…. God bless & amaze you more!!! MuMsie Carminia

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Hi Carminia! Thanks for your beautiful note! Good to hear from you and hope to see you when you are in manila

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