My third request from James and another investment aside from

Previous entry:  Sub Zero December 5, 2011

Previous Entry:  Mattress from the Four Seasons Hotel January 6, 2012

was the garden.  As we were rushing to move into the house after 18 months renovation already, I requested James that if we move in, I wanted the garden to be finished.  And it was a good thing I insisted on this because it makes a world of difference!  We don’t have green thumbs and don’t really know about gardening, but it was important to us that we have a nice garden that will surround us.  Thank you to Timmy


and Marcia ( with her Chihuahua in pink 🙂  ) who put together our garden!  Pls contact Marcia Revilla if you want to hire her services at 0919-572-3362


To appreciate more how it was transformed, I am showing photos of the before and after

Front of the house – I heard that our neighbor put these trees so that it would match their frontage


We removed it and then changed it to Buddha belly bamboos.  I like it because it gives some sort of privacy instead of placing a wall


Side of the house


Changed to this


Another view, I found it a bit messy having different kinds of trees in one area




The other side




The main garden from the Balcony of the living room


And now 🙂  It’s just so soothing for me to come home and see this


Another view BEFORE




Close up on the wall. James had them remove everything.  At first we were thinking of just adding, but then James just removed everything and started from scratch


We are waiting for the bamboo to grow more leaves so that we can have full privacy from the neighbors


This was the wall before we stripped off all the plants


The back garden BEFORE




I love the pink flowers growing on the tree.  And take note of the round balls around the garden.  So beautiful when they are lit at night.  James wanted those capiz balls hanging on the trees, it’s a good thing Timmy found this for us!  Very unique yet so simple and elegant


The side garden BEFORE






  • Rica, what a transformation. Great landscaping job done…when do we get invited to see it in person, ha ha ha…Congrats! Tita Reg

  • Zharmagne says:

    Ooh! Super nice. Plants make a world of difference indeed.

  • Pamela says:

    Hi Rica, very tropical and so green landscaping! Beautiful! The landscaping fit perfectly with the surroundings. Would love to see your post about the interior design of your house.

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Thanks everyone! Hope to post later on on interiors. We are still furnishing, so it is not yet done 🙂

  • PitPat says:

    You did a lovely job with the landscaping..I never liked those palm trees in the front 🙂 Looking forward to see the transformations of the inside. This home will give you lots of fond memories for sure. Cheers

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Hi Pitpat! We love the house that is why we decided to keep the shell and just fix it up a bit 🙂

  • PitPat says:

    Hi! Rica, I’m glad you guys love it, it’s a lovely house indeed..lots of fond memories growing up there. As for the palm trees, did the neighbor bark at you for removing them yet..hehe 🙂 Regards to your hubby.

  • Joanne says:

    Rica, nice garden ha! But you better post more pics of the inside and invite us over! Hahaha

  • Joanne says:

    Im glad you kept the character of the house.

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Pitpat, I hope our neighbor doesn’t get mad, no offense naman, it was so tall already and so big.
    Joanne, of course!!! The house is very well built and the structure is solid! We didn’t want to change that.

  • PitPat says:

    Rica, I was just teasing ha, I’m sure the neighbor won’t get mad naman..but if they do, just tell them someone very dear to you loved them so much you had to gift it to them 🙂 oh and thanks! for the vote of confidence in the build quality..I’ll be sure to relay that compliment to the builder.

  • malou says:

    hi Rica

    mind asking if who did your landscaping? i wanted to have one in my garden.thanks

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Hi Malou, oh my gosh I thought I put her number here – Its Marcia Revilla 0919-572-3362

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