Yurakuen at Diamond Hotel

By February 20, 2012 Foodie No Comments

After the talk of Howard, we went to have lunch nearby and went to the Diamond Hotel for Japanese food 


Spaghetti Mentaiko! YUMMY! 


Unagi two ways 


Set meal of dad 


It’s a wonder why in the Philippines, japanese restaurants have such a wide range to choose from in their menu which is totally the opposite when you go to Japan.  When you go to a Japanese restaurant in japan- they really just specialize- whether it be a tonkatsu restaurant, or a Tempura, ramen, yakiniku or Teppanyaki place.  It’s very specialized and they concentrate on what they do best!  To me its complicated to look through a long menu though in the Philippines it probably works well because we like eating in big groups and families- so the menu better cater to everyone 🙂 




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