
By April 24, 2012 Fashion, Travel 5 Comments

You have to be daring to do weird things…so I would say I am daring! and I guess that makes me weird!  haha!!

Outside the window of Tito Mandy’s condo, they spotted these 3 mannequins by the dump bin.  And Tito Mandy and Tita Reggie were daring to go and get them!  I don’t remember how I ended up getting them but we went down to look at them, saw that they were okay and I got excited!  


Tita Reggie posing beside them for a photo opportunity 🙂 


I told our driver, Resty, to put down all the chairs in the car so the mannequins could fit!! haha!!  


I’m watching him from upstairs getting the mannequins, I was embarassed to stay there 🙂 That is Bloomingdales on the backdrop- so we figured those are old mannequins that they are getting rid of.  So I classify them as vintage! haha


Resty laughing thinking that I am really crazy to make him do this 🙂 


And the last one!  Having them shipped over to Manila and still wondering what I will do with them and where to put them 🙂 





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