Words from Pam’s Bestfriend

By June 12, 2012 Bridal No Comments

Thank you Rica for allowing me to share your speech for Pam.  I particularly liked the last part on the 3 Things to Remember. I admire your friendship with Pam and you are both lucky to have each other!


Let me first introduce myself for those of you that don’t know me, I am Rica Dakudao Buenaflor   Together with jackie I am Pams  first  best friend.


I have know Pam since we were 4

 we were neighbors and our moms would play mahjong together.


 We would trade toys & our moms would scold us and ask us to return them. Remember those times Tita Chato???


Then we discovered mud pack together in high school.that’s when i realized  Pam’s style, attention to details, and her special eye for aesthetic. We lived in that same street, Molave from 4 years old til we graduated hs …. that is how long I have known Pamela.


Now Quito: I would like to share with you 3 things about Pam that would guarantee a lasting marriage.


1) Pam is one person I know that has the most rituals… She has a 1hour of silence ritual  in the morning, do not talk to her before she gets her caffeine fix!!! She has an evening ritual of creams and stuff that she applies on her face, she has special drops for her eyes, drops for her mouth… but best of all she is also very spi-ritual…..put God in the center of your marriage. This will be your greatest ritual as a couple  that will make your marriage stand the test of time.


2) Pam is a creature of Habit. She is very very loyal to her brands. Ever since I’ve known her, Clear And Clean oil control film has been a mainstay in her purse. She loves Cibo gambertetti sandwich, and she can’t part with Estée Lauder… Her loyalty to her brands and her friends  is an indication of how  loyal she will be to her spouse.


3) Lastly, I have said earlier that I am Pam’s  best friend I don’t have an exclusive claim to the title BFF!! I am proud to share it with so many of you in this room and that’s only because Pam likes to surround herself with very special people.


People who matter to her, who have laughed and cried with her in all the many stages in her life. Now it’s you… The fact that she chose to marry you only means that you have all of us best friends in you. You are and will be her bestest of all best friends.


So remember those 3 things:

1) Your best ritual as a couple is SPIRITUAL, Put God in the center of everything.

2) Be loyal to eachother

3) Be eachothers best friend


With that, id like to make a toast to Quito and Pam’s Spirituality, loyalty and Friendship. X



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