This is a tribute to my Dad for Father’s Day! haha!! I am featuring all the gadgets he has because he loves gadgets! And I love him for being him, for being gadgety, for being UNIQUE, for liking weird things
Previous entry: Creatures October 30, 2009
Daddy has an electronic toilet which works by these controls
Take note of the holders for toilet paper, Dad always likes to have a back up for everything and a back up for the back up of the back up! Huh? Like his aircon has a back up in case one is not enough or one breaks down, same with his generator
Here is the electronic toilet from Japan
Which he changed when I visited him again. Dad is an interior designer also, he designs his areas in the house this is his shrine haha!!
The control panel
gadgets by the shrine
Dad’s work station
he has three computer monitors so he can multitask and do many things all at once
Oh my, i cannot beginning to take inventory of what is here
this one too – it has watches, batteries, tapes, other small devices
Soap dispensers
Oh my gosh, this looks ancient. I remember this when we were kids!!
Dad’s bathroom cabinet!
Aircon in the bathroom?
Another aircon looking thing
Exhaust fan or speakers? i do not know
Labelled switches
Plenty of these around his area
Digital scale with a back up again
Collection of hats
DUSTER! to remove dust on all his gadgets
A very religious dad
More religious articles in the bathroom
More temperature gadgets and a calendar gadget
Electronic switches and an old phone
I told you my dad likes gadgets and creatures! This came in a few months ago!
Previous entry: Creatures October 30, 2009
Oh my gosh, he put it in front of the house beside the buddha, My Mom is going crazy haha!!
This is so funny Rica, it really made me laugh…the leaning TV in his office looks like its gonna drop on top of him. But I really love the Iron Man beside the Buddha…. my favorite post of yours so far! Your dad seems like a really cool guy!! Happy Father’s Day to James and your dad!!
I am so happy you like it Raymond!
Now that you mentioned it, I am going to check that TV- it does looks like it is going to fall! haha. Ya, my mom is freaking out with all the creatures around the house
Happy Father’s Day to you too!
He should hold a garage sale
what a great post. i thoroughly enjoyed it. ha ha.
each picture has a story to tell. your father is really a unique person. and a real good person. thanks for sharing.