Monthly Archives: June 2012

Build A Classroom Project by AC Batch ’87

By | For kids, Giving Back, Velada 2012 | 3 Comments

In a few months, we will be having our Velada!!  One of our batch initiatives aside from raising money for the school and the mission schools of the school, is to go outside and do our own charity work and with the help of my best friend and our batch mate, Eds Genuino, we were able to get sponsorship from Tito Frank Drilon who built a classroom in our behalf.  Around 6 months ago, we went to Katutubo Elementary school 

Previous entry:  Assumption College Batch 87 Builds a Classroom September 8, 2011 

 Last week, 9 of us went to Porac to turnover the classroom, and here is what happened 🙂




Sabor Cubano Now at Salcedo Market

By | Foodie | 2 Comments

Congrats Ada!!! We are so happy you are now at Salcedo Market!!!



Previous entry:  Sabor Cubano March 8, 2012 

Ada’s first day at Salcedo market!!! Come visit tomorrow and get to try Ada’s Cuban food!! Good luck Ada and more power!! We will visit you soon!!  Here are some photos and captions from very supportive boyfriend Raymond Rodrigo



Thank you, members of the board of the Salcedo Saturday Market for believing in Sabor Cubano‘s vision of sharing Cuban Cuisine to your followers


is Excellency the Ambassodor of Cuba with his lovely wife and the ever uber cool Tita Maribel C. Dario with her friend. Thank you Tita Maribel for your’s and your friend’s support!


Estimado Ambajador y la Queridisima (Maite), with my Mom, Ada and I. Muchas Gracias a Todos! 


 ?Katrina Tuason,Christine Lei Go, and my AteWinnie Rodrigo Domingo. Thank your for supporting Sabor Cubano on it’s maiden day at the Salcedo Saturday Market! Muchas gracias!! (@ Katz-Hope Carlo enjoyed the stogie 😉 )


THANKS Mom!! for braving the heat and coming to supportSabor Cubano on it’s first day at the Salcedo Saturday Market. WE LOVE YOU!!


With Frances Espinosa and Malu Gamboa


Thank you to Rain or Shine cager Gabriel (with his son Cassius) for trying all of the types of dishes we had that day. He ordered the Cajita de Masita de Puerco, Cajita de Fricase de Pollo and A Bowl of the Frijoles Pintos con Res.


 Claudine E. Garcia and the cute baby Tia. Thanks for trying outSabor Cubano.


Cris Bonoan and her pretty daughter Amina posing with their Yogurt sticks. Thanks for giving Sabor Cubano a go! 




1st Class Laman Chicharon from Guagua Pampanga

By | Travel, Yummy! | 3 Comments

Timmy and I got to taste supposedly “THE BEST CHICHARON in PAMPANGA!” 🙂  


This furniture maker gave us some and wow, it had a lot of laman! Deadly but yummy!  I am not a chicharon expert but it was good.  I had our friend deliver some so I could share it with you.  They don’t deliver to Manila so I had 10 packs delivered last night and if you are passing by to pick up some buko sherbet

The Best Buko Sherbet May 31, 2012 

at the store, you might want to try some Pampanga Chicharon! It’s only P 295.00 for the bag you see below.  They sent us a different one with less fat so it won’t be as unhealthy as the other one!


Here is the contact details in case you plan to go to Pampanga and maybe pick it up from there


Store hours:  Tuesday to Sunday 12 noon to 10pm

Tel #:  854-7055
