So happy to be back at my friend, Lills, house
Previous entry: By Franklin Mariano August 31, 2010
She is always adding things to fill up her gigantic home
Nice old dinnerware in her collection
Bulgin’s books
They are so religious!
Wifi in their house
All their kids are named after characters from the bible- Daniel, Joshua and now the latest Luke
Lills prepared a birthday lunch for our dear friend, Rachelle, since she knew she would not be able to make it to Rachelle’s birthday celebration. It’s a good thing I joined because I could not make it as well! Happy birthday to our dear friend, Rachelle
Rachelle requested for Filipino food. What a good idea! We even took home what was left over Thanks Lills!
Of course Lills always starts out with a prayer – and she loves me because she had a special intention for me that day She prays that i will be able to manage my busy schedule haha!!
Birthday celebrant, Rachelle ate a lot!!
Lills’ cook, Arnel! Arnel prepared our meal and in full chef uniform Lills is lucky to have Arnel
Our view from the dining room
Another staff of Lills, Jelma, who made the yummy Mango crepes dessert
Thanks, Rics for the lovely post. Thank you to Lils for being, as always, so gracious and hosting this bday lunch. And of course to Eds & Jeanne for always being game. I have such wonderful friends in you! Love you guys!
awesome beautiful house! thanks for sharing ….