We had a simple family get together to celebrate Mom’s birthday starting off with mass at 4 pm and then an early dinner at home. It’s very easy to miss Mom because she was very much present in all of our lives. So when she left, there was a big vacuum and I felt it very much because my husband I know was deeply affected
Every day and every year we remember her, Happy Birthday Mom!!
Previous entry: My Other Mother January 30, 2007
The theme was pink….. we prepared pink flowers for Mom
Our favorite type of dinner table- ROUND! James made sure we had the biggest round table that could fit our dining room so we could fit the whole family during our family meals! This table is good for 14 people and it still is not enough for everyone- but it fits most We always put dad in the center of the table
Previous entry: The Round Dining Table July 22, 2008
Thank you Tita Dorothy for the beautiful vase
The table setting. Instead of putting namecards, we put photos of the person with Mom
So you have to look for your photo with mom to find your seat in the table
Being the host, I get harassed and forget to take photos!! Thanks to Ria we have a few food photos. We did potluck that evening and good thing I have my little chef who made one of his dishes which he sort of perfected – his Roast Chicken with yummy gravy
Dina brought a fish dish which she learned from Mothers Club
And Thanks to our wine provider, Gerry, who always serves the BEST!
even the pitcher had pink flowers
Turtle pie brought by Tina
And chocolates from Switzerland from my sister! I saved it for a special occassion and who best can appreciate chocolates but the de Jesus family