Surprise Cheer For Michelle

I received a text from my angel friend, Isa as she was organizing a party for Michelle.  Michelle was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and Isa wanted to cheer her up, so she invited the Belenismo gang to surprise her 

Our hosts – Inseparable Mother- daughter team who we all love! 


Yvonne prepared all the headgear!  We just chose which one to use 


The gang while waiting for everyone to arrive before we surprise Michele 


And here she is! SURPRISE!!! 


I have always known Michele to be so alive, always happy and always eating!! 🙂 

She is hilarious! She posed for us on top of her coffeetable! This girl does not need any cheering up!  She is more cheerful and alive than any of us!!! 

It’s amazing how Michele has remained positive and in high spirits and never did she ever feel bitter or sad.  She in fact has been thankful and grateful to God for all the blessings He has showered in her life.  And that I believe is why she has managed to go through all this and  is completely healed!!  Michele told us that it was her birthday gift knowing that she was healed! Heart2Heart admires this very strong and courageous lady!


And of course she has full support from all her sisters, her family, her friends!!

Apparently they have been having chemo parties in the hospital every time before every session. Yvonne showing me a photo from her phone of one of the chemo parties!  She told me that they are very strict in the hospital but now because they saw how happy it makes the patient, they are now allowing parties   


Tita Isabel and Isa brought all the food!!!  And we also added some dishes! michelle-party-3.jpgfor-michelle-013.jpg

Michelle enjoying!! This girl never stops talking about food and eating – yet she is so sexy and slim eversince!  We enjoyed all her funny stories in the dining table and we learned one lesson – never to eat with the Dayrit sisters or else you will end up paying for the bill!! haha!!!  You will have to ask Michele to tell you their stories to understand that 🙂 


The Belenismo gang!  Watch out for the upcoming Belenismo in Tarlac this coming November! 







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