Organizing Part 3 by Tito Villanueva

 When I went to Tito’s place I was overwhelmed with too many details and things that he had so I cut the feature in parts.  

Previous entry:  By Tito Villanueva  July 25, 2012

These are very popular features, so whenever I can share some organization tips, I get excited!

Getting Organized by Mel September 28, 2011

Getting Organized Part 2 March 15, 2009

Getting Organized May 16, 2007 

Not only does he have a cozy and beautiful place, but it is a very organized one!!!  He is OC! 🙂

Starting out with his walk in closet 


Oh my gosh!  This is the most organized drawer I have ever seen! 


Pants and shoes


Master Bathroom 


That cat in the basket looked so real!! I had to go up close to check!


Love this!


Tito told me this was a door and instead of sealing it and closing it, he used it as storage space – a beautiful display at the same time.  He is always very practical and at the same time makes use of space wisely and manages to turn it into something beautiful


His kitchen

Tito told me that he does not waste any space! If you will notice even this small space he made into a cabinet and he still used it for storage.  Normally we will just cover that up 


Organized drawers!! 


Tito measures all his things and he customizes the cabinets and the layers based on his requirements!! How much more detailed can you get than this? He is amazing! 


He put this cabinet on top of the sink so straight from washing you can put them up here already to dry 


Another cabinet built to specs to fit his vases! 




  • Joy Saw says:

    I hope we can ask him to design our house!!!

  • Jovita says:

    The drip-dry overhead dish rack is common in Italian homes. I wish this was more available in the Philippines – so practical 🙂

  • Yes Jovita it is available in the Philippines. First came the powder coated variety then the stainless. Go check out my favorite shopping destination, the home depots!

  • and yes Rica, this blog I prefer to share with your readers because it is a practical and perfect way to organize even our lives. It goes hand in hand with de-stressing and having the ease to find things not simply being OC hehhehehe

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Tito, OC ka talaga! haha!! I love it! 🙂

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