Monthly Archives: July 2012
I had to separate Tito’s collection from his home because there were just too many to post. In this very cozy condo, there were so many beautiful art pieces!! Tito has been collecting for so long already and each one has a story to tell! I need to make more kwento with him! 🙂 Just taking photos took already a lot of time.
Just this wall alone had many important and beautiful artworks.
This is the smallest painting I have ever seen – artist unknown but love it!
Love this!
In Tito’s bedroom
I like how he framed this vintage watch
Love this cute Amorsolo!!
Nudes by an American artist! Tito’s master bedroom is full of nudes 🙂
Inside his walk in closet 🙂
All by the same artist
Master Bathroom- more nudes
In his den
Love these copper sculptures
beside an HR Ocampo! 🙂
Tito just bought this from a garage sale!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!
Tito told me his Mom got this during the war in China from a Chinese lady who just gave it to her as they were turning communist- It’s beautiful!!!!
Nena Ocampo Villanueva, Tito’s Mom. Sketched by Tito himself!
Oh my gosh! I have never seen a Botero as a personal collection!!!!! This is in Tito’s bedroom!
Oh my gosh!! Another one!!!!LOVE IT!!!
Arturo Luz!
Malang!!!! I love these works of his
This is Heart2Heart’s latest favorite thing!!!!! It’s a beautiful hand embroidered bottled water cover!!! These are hand sewn by ladies from Bulacan! It’s a nice touch in your home and also a nice gift that will be really useful and very much appreciated. There are several designs to choose from- just come and visit the store
You can turn the bottle around so the Agua Vida label will not show – but you can leave it also since it is free advertisement for us haha!! 🙂
Store hours: Tuesday to Sunday 12 noon to 10pm
Pls do not come on Mondays, the store is closed
Tel #: 854-7055
Thank you Tito for inviting us to your beautiful home!!!
As soon as I entered the lobby of your building, I knew that you had something to do with it!! 🙂 I asked the guard and he confirmed! I’m sure the tenants appreciate you lending your things to beautify their lobby!
Scenic glass elevator and I am sure you put that artwork there 🙂 Every detail counts!
What a unique building! You hardly see new buildings like these anymore since real estate is expensive 🙂 Sorry it is dark, had a hard time taking this photo
When everything nowadays is modern, I love seeing vintage buildings
You have the most unique entrance in the whole building! I won’t miss this next time 🙂
Look up and you will see a chandelier made out of plastic bottled water containers!! How creative and thanks for recycling them!
Tito combined two units
Tito’s office 🙂
Master Bedroom
Dining room where we had dinner
Dining table legs are made out of an old banister
Beautiful works of art and antiques come with the home ( Await next feature )
Since Tito is alone in his condo, one room he made into an office
Collection of Architectural Digest magazines dating from long long ago!!!! WOW!!!!
Tito’s Mom, Nena Ocampo Villanueva who is one of the pioneers in interior design in our country
The other kitchen in his second unit which is “dirty kitchen” yet it’s so nice and neat!
Tito has been an interior designer for 25 years and has much experience in interior design. I like him because he is very practical and thinks of how you will live and he will adapt your living space to your needs! I love listening to the details he puts into designing living space
Click below to go to his website
The BEST CHEESE CURLS!!! SO CHEESY!!!! These barrels are exclusively available at S&R!
My cutie pie niece, Stella, modelling for Herr’s 🙂 She loves Herr’s Cheese curls!!
I received a text from my angel friend, Isa as she was organizing a party for Michelle. Michelle was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and Isa wanted to cheer her up, so she invited the Belenismo gang to surprise her
Our hosts – Inseparable Mother- daughter team who we all love!
Yvonne prepared all the headgear! We just chose which one to use
The gang while waiting for everyone to arrive before we surprise Michele
And here she is! SURPRISE!!!
I have always known Michele to be so alive, always happy and always eating!! 🙂
She is hilarious! She posed for us on top of her coffeetable! This girl does not need any cheering up! She is more cheerful and alive than any of us!!!
It’s amazing how Michele has remained positive and in high spirits and never did she ever feel bitter or sad. She in fact has been thankful and grateful to God for all the blessings He has showered in her life. And that I believe is why she has managed to go through all this and is completely healed!! Michele told us that it was her birthday gift knowing that she was healed! Heart2Heart admires this very strong and courageous lady!
And of course she has full support from all her sisters, her family, her friends!!
Apparently they have been having chemo parties in the hospital every time before every session. Yvonne showing me a photo from her phone of one of the chemo parties! She told me that they are very strict in the hospital but now because they saw how happy it makes the patient, they are now allowing parties
Tita Isabel and Isa brought all the food!!! And we also added some dishes!
Michelle enjoying!! This girl never stops talking about food and eating – yet she is so sexy and slim eversince! We enjoyed all her funny stories in the dining table and we learned one lesson – never to eat with the Dayrit sisters or else you will end up paying for the bill!! haha!!! You will have to ask Michele to tell you their stories to understand that 🙂
The Belenismo gang! Watch out for the upcoming Belenismo in Tarlac this coming November!
I gathered a list of Smart Infinity Subscribers and discovered that they all have 2 things in common!!! One, that they are all SMART because they are SMART INFINITY SUBSCRIBERS 🙂
(Thank you Tita Frannie Jacinto for helping me out with the photos! )
Lulu Tan Gan
Lindy Castillo- Theodoropoulous
Bea Vasquez ( 2nd lady at the back )
“Since the beginning…Mon Isberto gave me my first Smart ( and my dad and my stepmom ) in 1998. I loooooove them and they give the best personalized Christmas gifts.”
Tita Frannie and Tito RJ Jacinto
“I have not regretted my move with Infinity’s Julie Carceller and Ruth Coloma”
Trish Villanueva
“Smart really attends to my needs. I was even able to choose my TRISH mobile no”
Tito Buddy and Tita Ruby Roa
And their daughter Timmy Roa Antonio
“You will love it ! Smart will super spoil you.”
And Timmy’s sisters! All beautiful! Not to mention the whole office of Timmy are also Smart infinity subscribers
Jojo Zabarte
Judith Vasquez
Congratulations to Chris, Cherina and Benjo on the launching of Ecocarat in the Philippines!!! How I wish we had all these choices when we were renovating our house
You won’t miss the showroom in the right side of Ortigas before La Salle Greenhills
My beautiful friend, Cherina! Congrats dear!! Take note of the wall behind her from Ecocarat 🙂
Cherina told me that they brought in Ecocarat since they were building their buildings, condos and homes. Wow! Hopefully those will be featured here in Heart2Heart! 🙂
The beauty with Ecocarat is it absorbs moisture so especially for vacation homes which you leave for long periods of time, there won’t be any smell.
Kibu Company directors: Christopher Chilip, Cherina Sy and Benjo Marquez
Speech by Kibu President: Chris Chilip
Speech by Keiji Oshima From Lixil Company Japan
Lovely host and interior designer Tessa Valdes
Keiji Oshima From Lixil Company Japan, Yoshinori Tanaka from Lixil Company Japan, Yoshio Amano from Mitsubishi Corporation, Arch Noel Bernardo, Arch. Lor Calma, Ivy & Cynthia Almario, Kenneth Cobunpue
Kibu Team with Lixil’s Keiji Oshima and Yoshinori Tanaka, Mitsubishi’s
Sonny Angara and Steve Sy – Barbie Pardo Tiangco with Cherina
Larry and Roselen Ocampo with Kenneth Cobonpue
Christine Laman and Heidi Ng – Anna Angara
Senator Ed Angara with Chris Chilip – Judy Tecson with Manuel and Jane Chilip
Amina Aranaz Alunan and Tootsy Angara – Christine Laman, Steve Sy and Cheese Ledesma
Betchay and Spanky Monserrat, Benjo and Gaby
Pauline Juan, Kenneth Cobonpue
Judes Echauz, Anna Angara, Sen. Ed Angara, Cong Sonny Angara
Beautiful ladies Anna Angara, Tootsy Angara and Tessa Valdes
Jeffrey Ng President of Astoria Hotels, Marivic Vasquez, Chris Chilip
Patty Chilip, Tessa Valdes, Arlene Cu, Beng Dee
Ernest Cu, Marc Soong, Rikki Dee
Lydia Echauz FEU President, Jane and Manuel Chilip
Us, James and Rica De Jesus, Marivic Limcaoco
Marc Licaros, Steve Sy, Argee Hubilla
Cynthia Almario, Vivian Ng, Ivy Almario
David and Edna Chua
Felipe Zamora, Chip dela Calsada, David Bonifacio
Jesus Salas, Andre Sy
Kokoy Bernardo, John and Joanna Echauz
Leo Po, Laju and Vijay Chulani, Mitch Go, Trevor Chiang
Michelle Chiang, Sheila Lim, Laju Chulani, Farah Sy, Patty Chilip
Patty Chilip, Judy Tecson, Cherina Sy
Sherwyn Yao, Kenneth Ku
Giveaways: Air plants in glass containers to match the eco-friendly theme.
Tessa points out Humidity and Aroma testing areas. Guests spray water onto the Eocarat wall displays to see how quickly Ecocarat absorbs the water. Guests also try out the test jars of coffee beans. The ones with just coffee beans have a strong coffee smell while those coffee beans mixed with Ecocarat have no smell.
ECOCARAT: The Smart Tile for the Smart Mom
Create a Beautiful and Healthier Interior with Ecocarat Tiles
Go beyond conventional decorative tiles. ECOCARAT tiles do more than just please even the most discerning decorative eye. Its functionality surpasses all other brands with its humidity control, harmful substance reduction, and odor absorbent nature.
Known as Japan’s “breathing design tile”, ECOCARAT, is made from a new and eco-friendly material called “soil ceramics” and special clay mineral called “allophane” that consists of innumerable micro-pores.
This revolutionary material allows ECOCARAT to start cleaning the air by breaking down toxic substances emitted by building materials and furniture.
It also prevents the development of allergies and respiratory problems from mold and mite build-up by improving room humidity. Lastly, its odor-absorbent function reduces offensive smells from pets, garbage, toilets, etc.
With its numerous functions and aesthetic appeal, ECOCARAT is without a doubt the most innovative tile in the market.
Through ECOCARAT, the company endeavors to create ambiance with a distinct vision, texture and form that is based on the Beaux Japonica Concept. Embodied in this concept are its three defining values: Design that beckons. Function that harmonizes. Craftsmanship that awes. This concept is not simply a design that uses Japanese motifs and historical craft aesthetics; it is a contemporary expression of a time-honed and honored artisan vision that is borderless. Beaux Japonica manifests itself in creative and practical application to product development and refinement.
ECOCARAT was purposely designed to transform walls into art. These tiles have gorgeous color variation and depth, adding a three dimensional look to your walls. With the right choice they can express who you are aesthetically. They come in a wide variety of patterns and textures, making it easy for you to find the perfect fit for practical and design needs. Create both a healthier and more attractive interior with ECOCARAT
ECOCARAT is a product of INAX, Japan’s leading brand of tiling, building materials, and sanitary fixtures for residential, commercial, and public buildings. Founded in 1924, INAX Corporation is recognized worldwide through the attention to detail, quality, and craftsmanship that goes into each of its products. ECOCARAT tiles are exclusively distributed by KIBU DESIGN CONCEPTS INC. Located at the KIBU Showroom, G/F MJC Bldg., #347 Ortigas Ave., San Juan. For more information call 5796372 or visit
Ten Pretty Cool Things…. not a joke
Pretty Cool
Don’t ask me! I don’t know how it’s done!!
Read out loud the text inside the triangle below.
More than likely you said, ‘A bird in the bush,’! and…If this IS what YOU said, then you failed to seethat the word THE is repeated twice!Sorry, look again.
You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion.Look again!
This one is quite tricky! The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
What do you see?
You probably read the word ME in brown, but…when you look through ME you will see YOU ! Do you need to look again?
Test Your Brain
This is really cool. The second one is amazing so please read all the way though.
Really, go back and try to find the 6 ‘F’s’ before you scroll down.The reasoning behind is further down.The brain cannot process ‘OF’.
Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!
Anyone who counts all 6 ‘F’s’ on the first go is a genius! Three is normal, four is quite rare. Send this to your friends. It will drive them crazy…and keep them occupied for several minutes!
Look at the spinning woman and if she is turning right, your right
Side of your brain is working.
If she is turning left, your left side of your barain is working.
If she turns both ways for you, then you have a 160 or better IQ
Olny srmat poelpe can raed this. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the first and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
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