Monthly Archives: July 2012

Who’s Got Hope

By | Education, For kids, Giving Back, Golden Spoon, What's New at Rustan's, What's New at Starbucks? | 2 Comments

I received a newsletter from Hope In A Bottle! I love it 🙂 


Oh my gosh, all out HIB family! 🙂  Ned and Janet, Mariza, David, Joshua and Tiana Hourani! 


Hope in a Bottle is also available at Heart2Heart’s Favorite Things and it is sold by the case.  Also a nice gift to give 🙂 A whole case of 24 bottles costs around P 300.00  


Store hours:  Tuesday to Sunday 12 noon to 10pm

Pls do not come on Mondays, the store is closed

Tel #:  854-7055


Happy Birthday in Heaven Jerome

By | Celebrations, Tributes | 2 Comments

It was July 3, ten days after Jerome had left us.  It was so nice to celebrate Jerome’s 45th birthday while he is in heaven and celebrate the years of his life on earth.  We arrived late as we too were celebrating the birthday of Mommy Carmeling who is in heaven as well with Jerome.  


So I was not able to take the food as it was almost all gone 🙂  But Cirkulo was one of the favorite places of Jerome, the Mom of Jerome was telling us that he would always go back and forth to Cirkulo to eat  


A slideshow of photos 



New Arrivals at H2H Favorite Things

By | Hearty Deals, Yummy! | 3 Comments

More replenishments of items that have ran out so fast – and now they are back!  

Buko Gata and Buko Lychee Sherbets are back! A few more gallons left til the next delivery! 


It seems this was a hit 🙂  So I brought in some more


Ballpark hotbdogs also super popular ( will be in the Store this Friday )


and of course Hebrew National Beef Franks ( will be in the store this friday )


These ran out even before I got to announce it, it is a set of 4 black trash cans by Rubbermaid for P 995.00 only.  Great deal and very practical to have around the house

Rubbermaid 7 Gal Trash Can Black 4 ct



Also sold fast, Set of 2 MIU Steak knives

MIU FranceSteak KnifeStainless Steel Blade


 Ghirardelli Chocolate sauces




NEW! I’ve never seen dark chocolate sauce ever!  This should be interesting!

Torani Dark Chocolate Sauce 64 oz


Krusteaz Muffin Mix 5 lb


Snickers Marathon Crunchy Multi-Grain 12/1.94 oz



The yellow Eurow microfiber towels are very popular!! Here is another version of it.  Just like how we color code our chopping boards, the towels are also color coded.  Love this set it comes in a pack of 12 pcs. Same brand as the Eurow microfiber towels.  

Clean Aide  Microfiber Towels 12 ct



 CHOCOLATES CHOCOLATES!  Why am I not surprised that these are the first to go?? 🙂 New kinds are now available, drop by and grab them while they are still there 🙂 Sold individually ( not by box ) 


Gum!  My son Jaime says this is for his age group…hmmm 🙂


Plate liners at very reasonable prices, not a new arrival but just featuring it here 




Store hours:  Tuesday to Sunday 12 noon to 10pm

Pls do not come on Mondays, the store is closed

Tel #:  854-7055 


Coming Home to Bistro Filipino

By | Foodie, Green, Proud to be Pinoy! | No Comments

Heart2Heart was so happy to be back at Bistro Filipino.  And no miss, Chef Laudico and Jackie are always there!  What a hard working couple! 


They prepared a degustation meal for us.  Chef Laudico and Jackie explained to us that they have changed their ingredients to focus on patronizing our local suppliers 


Of course pinoy bread – pandesal 


We call this “floating butter”  because it looked like it was floating 🙂  Jackie said that they use carabao’s milk for all their dairy requirements.  They get it from Pia Lim who distributes for the Philippine Carabao Center in Laguna 


My favorite among the three was the ubod lumpia with the vinegar granite.  As Chef Laudico described it, it’s a Filipino sushi cone 😉 


Love the soup! 


Even their plates are Philippine made by Glass Sculptor – Bobby Gastillo and they are engraved individually with the logo of the place 


Super delicious panga and even more with the sauce 


I was not able to stay for dessert but I am sure it was delicious!!  

Jackie showed me their new menu and I was able to take photos of the pages.  Please bear with me as I find it most difficult when it comes to taking photos of menus 🙂 


At the back pages they reveal their suppliers as they want you to also patronize them.  Chef Laudico and Jackie are good friends with my cousin, Hindy, which explains why they are very similar in their ways – organic and healthy 🙂 


In this day and age when the modern day Filipino have uprooted themselves from the traditional, moving up and into spaces so far away from home seem like the new norm.  There are countless Filipinos who have removed themselves from the comfort zone and getting a taste of what the world could offer, yet finding themselves empty if not seeking for satisfaction that ironically the familiar can suffice.

Amidst the growing metropolis that is Bonifacio Global City is Bistro Filipino. Situated at the ground floor of the modern Net 2 Building, part of the restaurant’s facade bears the name “Chef Laudico”. This in itself already gives it a stamp of approval for those who are familiar with the chef, or a boost of confidence to a first-timer that a known chef resides in the house. 

What welcomes you behind the glass building doors is an opulent interior using native materials.  The ornate center dining area is a burst of fine dining elegance complete with its meticulous table settings and mood lighting.  Initially it could be intimidating for a Filipino restaurant when the usual fare of local cuisine are set in a typical fast food or laid back ambience.


Owners and Chefs Jackie and Roland Laudico attest that the experience in their fine dining restaurant will give one a renewed respect for the local cuisine.    


Pritong Lumpia is a familiar pedestrian food fare that every Filipino is familiar with.  But an order of Ubod Lumpia is definitely an enjoyable experience here.  Freshly chopped vegetables are nestled in a cone-shaped wrapper which in itself is a conversation piece.  Add to more conversation is the frozen vinegar which you can generously toss in with so much ease to get that perfect lumpia taste.  It’s the same familiar lumpia taste in an ingenious presentation.   

The crispy Pigeon Salad looked divinely grand with its careful plating of fresh vegetables and pigeon flakes with just the right hint of vinaigrette on the side.  Pigeon on salad greens may not exactly be familiar to the average Filipino, but a forkful of this salad will hit you with that homegrown feeling because of the adobo vinaigrette which brings the whole dish together.   

The Prito Trio looks too beautiful to eat and doesn’t look anything familiar but makes you wonder what Filipino dish this is.    One big bite and you know that this is the local okoy but using succulent seafood which excites your palette because of the soft hint of crunch and the mix of the vinegar soy glaze.


 The Kare Kare served sans the clay pot (palayok) surprisingly tasted really well.  The tender wagyu beef and ox tripe sat magnificently on top of the whole dish.  Again, you eat this in forkfuls—-meat, veggies, hint of sauce, and you’re up for a different kare-kare experience.  Hands down, it was the Wagyu Bistek that topped all of the dishes.  This work of art has a grand kitayama flat iron steak on top of sweet potato croquette and organic vegetables.  The bistek sauce in the form of a calamansi butter glaze locked in round onion slices are both a delight to look at and a pleasure to dip the meat in.  

There is a nook called Patisserie Filipino and Chef Jackie is in charge of all the desserts and specialty chocolates.


Some of the dessert bestsellers are Calamansi Tart (calamansi curd in butter cookie crust served with meringue , vanilla ice cream, honey and cashew nuts) and Suman Panacotta (sticky rice cake topped with coconut cream panacotta served with latik glaze, toasted coconut and fresh mangoes). The chocolates are delectable in Philippine flavors like sili, calamansi and mango, among others. 

Everything served was what Filipino cuisine could be and more.  Chefs Jackie and Roland Laudico proudly use local produce and none of the shortcuts most restaurants have resorted to.  While Filipino cuisine takes a long and arduous process to prepare and cook, innovation has only helped the Laudicos in their cause of bringing the seemingly ordinary dishes from the house into the fine dining environment and thus, elevating the Filipino cuisine.  There is definitely no talk of fusion in this restaurant as every dish is distinctly Filipino.  It may be served differently, but each dish has an interesting story to back it up.

Bistro Filipino is definitely a validation that Filipino cuisine can be transformed using modern techniques while preserving its traditional flavors.  More than that, this food experience leaves one with renewed pride enough to make certain that this is proudly Filipino.



Happy Birthday in Heaven Mommy Carmeling

By | Celebrations, Tributes | No Comments

We had a simple family get together to celebrate Mom’s birthday starting off with mass at 4 pm and then an early dinner at home.  It’s very easy to miss Mom because she was very much present in all of our lives.  So when she left, there was a big vacuum and I felt it very much because my husband I know was deeply affected

Every day and every year we remember her, Happy Birthday Mom!!

Previous entry:  My Other Mother January 30, 2007 


The theme was pink….. we prepared pink flowers for Mom 🙂 


Our favorite type of dinner table- ROUND!  James made sure we had the biggest round table that could fit our dining room so we could fit the whole family during our family meals!  This table is good for 14 people and it still is not enough for everyone- but it fits most 🙂  We always put dad in the center of the table 🙂

Previous entry:  The Round Dining Table July 22, 2008 


Thank you Tita Dorothy for the beautiful vase


The table setting.  Instead of putting namecards, we put photos of the person with Mom 🙂  


So you have to look for your photo with mom to find your seat in the table


Being the host, I get harassed and forget to take photos!!  Thanks to Ria we have a few food photos.  We did potluck that evening and good thing I have my little chef who made one of his dishes which he sort of perfected – his Roast Chicken with yummy gravy 


Dina brought a fish dish which she learned from Mothers Club 


And Thanks to our wine provider, Gerry, who always serves the BEST! 


even the pitcher had pink flowers 🙂 


Turtle pie brought by Tina 


And chocolates from Switzerland from my sister!  I saved it for a special occassion and who best can appreciate chocolates but the de Jesus family 🙂 



War Machine

By | Celebrations | One Comment

Dad was not here to celebrate his birthday and fathers day with some of us- so we made sure we still had a celebration for him!  We thought of making it a War Machine party since he recently acquired the statue version of war machine 


Dad is very careful with his things and I know that deep inside he was nervous I moved his War machine from the front of the house to the living room!   It took 5 people to carry it!


Everyone came in either Avengers or color grey or silver 🙂


There were two Incredible Hulks that day! 🙂  CUTE!


Last minute I came up with this decor for the party.  We wanted something “NO FRILLS” then I realized that Dad deserves more than no frills!  He deserves more than this but this is all I could come up with in the short time 


Our buffet table 


Potluck – Spaghetti Bolognese from M Jun Jun and Margs, Baby back Ribs from Quito and Pam, Salad and Calamares from M Noey and Krie , dessert from Paul and Maricar


Dad has his special Chicken Teriyaki dish from Kuretake ordered by M Noey and Krie 🙂



Everything in silver! 🙂 


And War machine himself arrived!!!!! WOO HOO!!  ” Rica don’t put this in your blog!”  Daddy says 🙂


Click below to go to Cosplay Performers in case you want to rent out some characters



12 Things Every Assumptionist Can Do To Help Our Country

By | Today's Quote, Velada 2012 | No Comments

1. Be happy with what you have.

2. Follow rules.

3. Help others with a smile.

4. Pray for those who are in need.

5. Share your blessings with others.

6. Be brave. Tell the truth.

7. Think before you act.

8. Be happy to do simple things for others.

9. Stop the lies and just be nice.

10. Respect God’s creation.

11. Use your gifts from God to serve.

12. Be grateful.  Affirm.



Faith Fully AC 1987

By | Velada 2012 | 6 Comments

 After all the GIRLS JUST HAD FUN in our last event in October

Previous entry:  AC HS Batch 87 Girls Had a Lot of Fun October 16, 2011

and we had just donated a classroom in Porac, Pampanga

Previous entry:  Build A Classroom Project by AC Batch 87 June 1, 2012 

We are finally in our implementation stage!

assumption-highschool-87-velada-small-version.jpgassumption-highschool-87-velada-small-version.jpg assumption-highschool-87-velada-small-version.jpg

It’s official!  This is our theme for our upcoming Velada this October 21




To keep in tune with our graduation theme ” Pananampalataya”


Toots showed us her graduation ring


And there Pananampalataya is engraved!


Last Thursday, we organized ourselves and had a committee meeting


to assign specific tasks to each one of us to be sure that we are all part of our Velada


Afterwhich we had a batch get together to inform everyone of everything that was going to happen.


Yvonne leading our opening prayer and Lala presenting the plans!


Batchmates listening so attentively 🙂

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 It was also an opportunity to bond again with everyone before rehearsals

We did potluck and everyone brought food!! We had so much!!!

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And of course we never fail to always have fun fun fun!!!

Which is why we all look the same and have never aged! Ahem ahem 🙂

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After eating, we have to work a little and spearheading the batch is Yvonne and Lala who prepared the presentation



Batchmates listening so attentively 🙂

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And before everyone starts to leave, here is our photographer Jack taking our photo from upstairs of his beautiful home ( watch out for this )!


I am counting around 42 of us in this photo and around 2 or 3 who were not included since they had to leave early.  We hope to be as many as we can for our Velada when others will still join in and many others who will come from abroad!


