Monthly Archives: July 2012

Resignation Letter

By | Entertainment | No Comments

You get a call that you need to go clean out Aunt Martha’s storage garage because she died. And, you are told to bring a trailer. Sounds like a pain in the rear but out of respect for your Aunt Martha, you comply. Later you send the following letter to your boss. 

Dear Boss:

I’m resigning effective immediately!

The reason for my resignation is that I cleaned my aunt’s garage this morning before

coming to work, and realized I don’t feel like working anymore.

See for yourself…



Quitos Baptism

By | Celebrations, Foodie | No Comments

I am so honored to be the Ninang of Alexis and Bambi’s baby, Quito.  


He has the same name as my youngest brother 🙂   

My cute and good hijado, Quito, fast asleep 🙂 


Lolo Oscar with big smiles! 


Lunch celebration at Peking Garden- I noticed Alexis and Bambi love Chinese food 🙂 



Super Sale Bazaar

By | Hearty Deals, Shopping | No Comments

Shop at the ”SuperSale bazaar” this Payday weekend starting July 13 until July 15 from 10am to 9pm at Hall D, World Trade Center. Over 350 retail brands will be there, to name a few-freeway, ensembles, solo, soak, moonshine, and peppers( booth#G-13)

Enjoy up to 90% off on selected items of Men’s, Ladies’ & Kid’s Fashion, Shoes, Bags, Jewelry, Swimwear and Sportswear.  Please forward this to your family & friends! See you there!



Alexa Turns 7

By | Celebrations, For kids | No Comments

What a wonderful and fun party organized by Mommy Lindy!  As usual! 🙂

Happy 7th Birthday Alexa!!! 



I came early and caught them setting up for the party 🙂  Anton Baretto and Angelette Calero of Jelly Bellies.  I love how you guys made something kiddie so elegant! 🙂  


Mommy Lindy and Daddy Steve 


The Birthday girl looking pretty just like Mommy 



Yaya Nenita

By | Tributes | One Comment

Last July 9, Yaya Nenita celebrated her 60th birthday!  I saw this post by my cousin, Marie and remembered Yaya Nenita as a kid!  391540_10151253976594418_556988980_n.jpg

I remember her as the Yaya of Marie ( I love this photo! ) But she was Yaya to Dino and Jaime and everyone else!


Yaya Nenita was a staple in all our gatherings and I remember her when we used to stay in Tita Merl’s house when Dad and Mom would go on trips abroad.  

35 years ago,  June 11, 1977 to be exact, Yaya Nenita worked with Tita Merl and till today she is the yaya of Dino’s daughter, Sofie. She is part of the family!!…and yes a second mother to the Pinedas!  This kind of loyalty and dedication is very rare nowadays!  

Happy 60th to our 2nd mom, our walking&talking memory bank, our resident history buff, movie musical lover, and natural remedies guru! Yaya nenita 4ever!!!!!!


Special mention as well are Conchita and Yaya Sion who have been with my Lolo and Lola til this day.  Conchita was the Yaya of my lola around 50 years ago! and Yaya Sion around 41 years ago since 1971.  She was the yaya of Tita Tess and when she moved to Rome with my Lolo and Lola, she learned how to cook Italian and from then on cooked for the family!  

We love all the Yayas who have been with our family since forever till today!!! 



Art by Tessa Mendoza-Daza

By | Arts and Culture | 2 Comments

I visited Sandy and Tessa Daza a few weeks ago and wow, what beautiful works of art by Tessa! 


Here she is!  Still so slim and pretty as if she never aged!!!  One day I will tell you her secret!! Also Sandy is looking very young!!   


Tessa’s works of art 


Oops and that is her in the cover of Philippine Tatler 


And I rememberd my Tita Tess sharing with us a photo of a portrait Tessa made for her!  BEAUTIFUL!!!! 


And another portrait of Bea Lopez- Puno


Go to Tessa’s facebook page by clicking below


