Visitors of Chef Javs at Cibo

Thank you to all those who visited Javs during his summer job at Cibo!  Yesterday was his last day at work as he goes back to school next week.  Thank you Gaita, Eunice and the Cibo team for taking care of Chef Javs!  He really enjoyed working with all of you!   


Javier’s cousin, AJ! with Mommy Marivic having Salmon 


Lolo, Lola, Tito Boni and Tita Rose, Ninang Maricar and Mischka come over for lunch


Tita Krie 


Here he is excited to make his pizza at home ala Cibo style 🙂

cibo-style-pizza-crust-by-javs.JPG pizza-crust-by-javs.JPG



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