Cats in the House

Our house seems to have a lot of cats roaming around……and giving birth too 🙂  I was in the basement and I peeped through the window and saw a cat with her babies.  We have a pocket area in the basement which is actually a nice home for them which is why maybe she stayed here.  She gave me that scary look since maybe she thought I was going to harm them.  I looked again the next day and they wre gone.  I am imagining she had to carry them up this wall one by one to bring them out


I came home one day and saw again another cat – a white one- posing in the front door – I thought it was a nice shot- I took it right away hoping to catch the shot before it runs away 


True enough it moved and I was still able to take another shot 🙂 


Another day, another cat 🙂 They are actually nice props in our home, part of the decor 🙂 


This one I saw on the ledge of the balcony 


Another one by the living room 


Just saw one posing again recently by the front door




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