Happy 45th Year Anniversary to Dad and Mom

This is a delayed post as Dad and Mom’s anniversary was last July 19.  Better late than never 🙂  This is such a great milestone in their lives to reach 45 years of marriage!! Truly an achievement! We celebrated it in Baguio!  and this arrived!!!


It was from Dad!  Dad is the sweetest!! 🙂


My sister’s gift 🙂


with their photo!! How stylish my Dad and Mom!!!


Happy Anniversary!!  I would like to share a note from a classmate of Dad which I felt he was right on target!

I was just talking to a friend recently that people should give more priority to relationships in life rather than to work or material gifts. I have to remind that friend of mine, though, that there are persons who are able to do both successfully. And I can cite you and Menchu as a good example.

Please continue to be a model couple who values a happy marriage. God bless!






  • Atomic says:

    Such a wonderful anniversary, it will certainly go on for many more, Borge, take care and God Bless….regards to Menchu!

  • frannywanny says:

    happy bday to your parents!! 🙂 they’re really one of the nicest people I know and it was truly an honor working with them back when I was still with Starbucks 🙂

  • Your folks remain so romantic and remain my idols when it comes to blissfully wedded couples. Love the pictures and thanks for sharing Rica.
    Tita Reg

  • Bea Azcuna says:

    Happy 45th Anniversary to your parents, Rica! Your parents are so wonderful. I love it when you feature them. Their love and respect for one another should really be emulated by the youth. 🙂

  • dorothy says:

    An ideal couple whom we greatly admire and look up to soooo much! Love them and love you all as well!

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