Homemade Mexican Dinner

By September 26, 2012 Foodie 3 Comments

After 12 years, we let go of our cook 🙁  In our search for a replacement, we stumbled into an applicant who apparently used to work for my parents in the 70’s and she had recently retired from her job at the Mexican Embassy!  So to test her abilities, I asked her to prepare a Mexican dinner for me and my friends.  I invited my close friends so that even if it does not taste good, they will still be my friends!  haha!! We were all guinea pigs that evening.  Here is Virgie our cook. She is so shy so it was hard to take her photo 🙂 I hired her for the day and she came and prepared our dinner.  Thank you Virgie for preparing for us a yummy Mexican dinner


The guinea pigs 🙂


I tried to go with the theme and took out some of my things which could be Mexican looking 🙂


This was something I bought from Shanghai and I thought it looked Mexican so I used it 


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Chicken Quesadilla for appetizer


Sangria that I made with Bignay wine that I bought from Balik Bukid fair 🙂  But Ned and Janet brought some too, so we drank theirs 


Ned and Janet also brought this 12 layer dip!!!  YUMMY!!! This one was more popular than any of the dishes that evening 🙂


Javier set up his soda machine to make the drinks for the guests


 The buffet table that tried to be Mexican too 🙂  Thanks again to Ned and Janet for bringing the cute little cactus plants



Mexican Salad- YUM!


Broccoli soup- YUMMY!


Tacos! Super Yummy!


Carne Asada as requested by Newton – It was overcooked na since I saw her cook it way in advance of the dinner.  Sayang.  I think it would have tasted good if it were freshly made and not well done


Virgie also made a carrot cake for dessert!  But something went wrong……

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It’s a good thing we had the owners of Mallorca join us for dinner!!  🙂  Danny and Rocelle!  


We had overflowing desserts and sweets!!!!!  YUMMY!!!


This was wiped out!! 

Previous entry:  Tarta Madrid by Mallorca July 28, 2012 


Yummy sansrival!!


Thanks Danny and Rocelle!


And everyone else who are still our friends after the dinner 🙂 




  • Tricia Hosaka says:

    So i guess you are still searching for a cook. Too funny Rica!

  • Heart2Heart says:

    I hired her again one more time and she cooked for us again. She is actually very good, but she is retirement age. Aside from being a cook I need someone who can help with other things around the house, so was worried about that. But we can hire her for the day from time to time still 🙂

  • Kat Lobregat says:

    You inherited the knack of ypur Mom in table setting! Enjoyed viewing this album!

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