Dove Glowing Skin Billboard!

By September 27, 2012 Beauty No Comments

We are very excited to share the news that the Dove Glowing Skin billboard is up! Real women now have a chance to be in the spotlight



The Dove Glowing Skin Billboard  will be up until November 30, 2012. This innovative billboard will feature over 200 women who uploaded their glowing skin photo in Dove’s Facebook page ( and who exemplify Dove’s real beauty advocacy. Uploading of photos will be until October 31, 2012. So if you haven’t yet, we invite you to upload your photo now and get a chance to star in your very own billboard.

Visit the Dove Glowing Skin Billboard in these sites: 1.) EDSA Northbound, Paragon Building in Boni, Mandaluyong; 2.) EDSA Southbound, near New Horizon Hotel, Boni Mandaluyong to have a glimpse of our new Dove Girls! Tweet us also what you think at #DOVEGlowingSkin



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