I love how they make a ritual out of registering. I dont ever remember having to do any of this when I was a kid. We just go to school and go to our classroom!
In fact James and I are enjoying this tremendously – especially James How he wished he had the chance to go to boarding school when he was younger. I think he is the one more excited!
I just had to take a photo of the police…. How cool
First step is to go to this building to meet the head master
And It’s a tradition for the students to go to this desk…..
….to officially sign their name that they are a student of this school!
Then proceed to the tents by the chapel
They give each student a CFL bulb!
Beverage station
Entering again the chapel
A big brother or sister ( for the girls ) will be assigned to each new student. During registration they personally take you around and bring you to your house. This is Chris di Giacomo – form VI and big brother of Jaime. He is in the football team
Beautiful Choir room behind the chapel. It’s rare to see old buildings and old historical places. I am hoping my son will learn to appreciate these things!
The old chapel. Some school rituals and traditions are still held here. Students spend their first and last night here
As the number of students increased, this became small to have their morning chapel
The clinic! It’s a building on its own and I was so happy they had this. This gave me more peace of mind! The school has a full time clinic for the kids
The nurse said that the kids can call the clinic anytime for anything!! They even told the kids not to call their parents but to call them first! and they will be the one to call the parents
I’m so glad they had this poster up!
good luck to your Jaime and may God bless him always ~